The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,85

some disease, then tilts her head back so the downpour can wash away the bubbles. They slide down her body like rivers of remorse.

“Can I guilt you into not feeling guilty?” I ask lightly. “I can feel your emotions, and they’re not pleasant. It’s making my stomach hurt.”

Letting out a sigh, Whitley blinks at me through wet eyelashes. “You’re not mad at me?”


“But I went against your orders.”

I stop the circular motions on her hips. “You’re the queen. Your word is just as good as mine.”

Silence falls between us as I get to her legs. I work my way down her thighs, until the streams of pink have turned clear. At my command, Whitley steps away from the dress and kicks off her shoes. I’ve just gotten done cleaning between her toes when she speaks again.

“You promise you’re not upset?”


“Then what’s going on with your face?”

I look up at her. From this angle, my view is erotic. She’s naked. Soaking wet. Water dripping from her hard nipples.

“Am I more handsome than usual?” I deadpan. “Because I feel like I look extraordinarily good today.”

That pulls a small smile from her. “You’re frowning, and you keep clenching your jaw. I can actually hear your teeth grinding.”

“I’m worried about you.”

She lets out a long sigh. “Isla wanted those men to suffer. Now they won’t.”

“That was your decision to make. Isla will understand. But why did you do it? Was the thought of their pain too much for you?”

“Yes and no.”

“You aren’t going to tell me the reason,” I conclude.

“I can’t. All I can say is that it was necessary. Can you just trust me?”


Letting out a humorless laugh, she shakes her head. “Just like that?”

“We’re mates. If you say you had a good reason to do what you did, then I believe you.”

She gives me a tremulous smile. “You’re the best, you know that?”

Standing, I gently bop her on the tip of her nose. “Yes, I’m aware of my greatness.”

I whip my tank top over my head. Whitley’s eyes widen when I start taking off my pants.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking a shower with you.” When my erection bobs out, I shrug at Whitley’s raised eyebrows. “I want you all the time.”

Her face gets serious. “Even when bodies are piling up around us?”

“Even then.”

I lead Whitley over to the barrel of water where I washed earlier, and I grab the bristled brush so I can get under her fingernails. She won’t stop shivering. The rain is actually quite warm—thanks to Kirian.

“You cold?”

“No. Just… disturbed. Maybe I’m in shock or something.”

“Do you need to sleep?”

She winces. “I already slept.”

What else can I do? There isn’t a dirty spot left on her body. I’ve massaged her muscles along the way. Astrid would probably offer her a cup of tea or a tonic.

Mentally probing the bond, I search for an answer, and I find a craving there.

Maybe I’m going about this the wrong way.

Normal people probably wouldn’t be in the mood for sex with such a gruesome memory fresh in their mind, but Whitley isn’t like most humans. There’s a biological part of her that enjoys the harshness of this world. Relishes in it, even.

I remember all the times after battle when bloodlust and adrenaline boiled inside of me with nowhere to go. Sometimes I was hard for hours. I craved to be touched—to be reminded that I was alive—and my own hand wouldn’t suffice.

“I know what you need.” My voice is husky.

“What’s that?”

“A good hard fuck.”

She sucks in a gasp, but she doesn’t deny it.

Taking the soap, I begin washing myself, slowly rubbing the places I know she likes. My chest. The V muscles by my hips.

My soapy hand traces my happy trail. Whitley’s eyes flare with interest when I grab my cock. Her breathing turns shallow. As I stroke myself, I experience my own set of shivers.

It turns me on to watch her watching me.

“Put your hands there,” I order, tipping my chin toward the railing.

Slowly, she pivots, showing me her supple backside as she complies.

When I come up behind her, my cock gets trapped between us. Placing my hands on her waist, I close my eyes as I slide my palms over her stomach. I cup her breasts, and I wonder if she saw this in a premonition years ago.

She said there were a lot of sex dreams, which would imply we either fuck often in the next few days, or we have a long future ahead of us.

But the future isn’t something I Copyright 2016 - 2024