The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,52

“And you have no idea. Just wait until you meet Talon, my pet griffin.”

I almost choke on a berry. “Pet griffin?”

I know I heard him correctly the first time, but it’s like my mind short-circuited at the mention of the mystical creature.

“Yeah. I found him several hundred years ago when he was still just a baby. He’d fallen from his cliffside nest on the far north edge of the Dream Realm. I put him back and waited with him for several days, hoping his mom would return, but she didn’t.”

“That’s so sad and happy at the same time. You saved him.”

“It’s not like I had much of a choice. Many thought griffins were extinct. He might be the last of his kind. Anyway, I brought him home, made sure he was healthy, and taught him how to fly.” Damon shrugs, like it’s not a big deal that he goes around saving baby animals.

But God, that’s hot.

I clear my throat, trying to think about something other than how much I want to jump his bones. Glancing up at the sky, I follow the patterns of the stars. On the left, water spans as far as I can see. A faint pink hovers on the horizon.

Dusk is coming. I can’t wait to see the colors reflecting on the water from this view.

I point at it. “Issika Lake, right?”

“Correct.” Damon’s masculine fingers wrap around his metal cup, and a flush takes over my face when I think about where I’d like those fingers to be. “Tomorrow we’ll be sailing out there.”

“I’ve never been on a boat.”

“You’ll love it.”

I doubt it. To be honest, I’m not looking forward to this part of our adventure. If I can’t even ride in a car for a few hours without upchucking, I imagine rocking back and forth for days is going to wreck me.

“What’s that way?” I hitch my chin in the opposite direction. “I see a lot of lights. Another city?”

“The biggest city in the Night Realm,” Damon confirms. “It’s called Aelustria. And beyond that, the Endless Seas.”

“Endless?” He can’t mean that literally.

He nods. “They go on and on. No one has ever been able to find land. Many have died trying. I encourage my fishermen to stay close, but not everyone listens. Some become too ambitious, and they’re never seen again.”

“I don’t believe it.”


“Where I come from, there’s a logical explanation for almost everything. Even in space travel they find new discoveries all the time. It’s science. If you go far enough, you’ll find something.”

“Maybe if we had your technology, we’d be able to solve some of our mysteries, but the smaller creatures are too sensitive. They can’t handle fuel vapors or radio waves. Sprites have been dropping dead in drastic numbers because of the Glow distilleries.”

“Oh, that’s terrible.” I’ve never seen a sprite, but I remember Damon comparing them to Tinker Bell.

“I value all the creatures here. I need them and respect them. In turn, I have their loyalty and love. Mostly,” he tacks on, chuckling. “The sprites are more interested in shiny objects than anything else.”

I take a sip of wine. “Speaking of loyalty, why does everyone call me queen?”

“You’re my mate,” Damon says, as if it’s the obvious answer. “Therefore, you’re queen.”

“Just like that? No official ceremony or anything?”

“Of course there will be when we’re married, but this is a time to rejoice. The people have been waiting for you, just as I have. Your empty seat in the palace has been both a reminder of your absence and of the good fortune to come. You’re a symbol of hope, Whitley.”

Empty seat… “The four thrones.”

“Right.” Damon grins. “For you and me, and my mother and father.”

My heart softens and aches in a tender way it never has before. Damon’s spent his whole life sitting next to an empty chair, anticipating my arrival.

He’s waited so long.

Long enough.

Deciding I’m full, I finish my wine in one big gulp before standing. As I walk over to Damon, he scoots back. With his legs spread and his arms lazily draped over the arms of the chair, he’s the picture of relaxed, but I’m not fooled.

There’s a sense of urgency between us. A need that can’t be denied.

Damon starts to get up, but I put my hands on his shoulders to keep him seated. Throwing a leg over his lap, I straddle him, getting comfortable as I press my body to his in the most intimate way.

“Would you like me to read your fortune?” My fingertips trail Copyright 2016 - 2024