The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,51

keep you on last time?”

“A month,” he grits out, before tacking on, “Your majesty.”

“Thank you.” Damon smiles as if there isn’t any tension in the air. “That will be all, gentlemen.”

The guards take their leave, giving us privacy. I almost yelp when they let out their wings and jump off the balcony. The fact that everyone can fly here is really going to take some getting used to. All three head in different directions in the sky, and I know they’ll be watching out for us from above.

Well, except for the grumpy one. Maybe he’s hoping some freak accident will happen and kill us both.

“What was all that about?” I ask, distracted by the setup that had been previously hidden behind the men. There’s a table for two butted up against the half-wall. Candles are placed around a platter of fruit, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Rubbing his temple, Damon sighs. “There’s a small fraction of citizens in the Night Realm who believe me to be a false king.”

“Why would they think that?”

“Because once upon a time, this realm and mine were one kingdom, ruled by the same leader—Kirian’s father, Keryth. Then he and my father had a… disagreement. Instead of killing each other, they ended up splitting the land between them.”

“That’s one hell of a disagreement.”

“Yes, it was. Brothers shouldn’t fight as they did. Unfortunately, sibling rivalry is common with the royal families.”

I can tell this is a sore subject for Damon. As he rocks back on his heels, he seems anxious as he shoves his hands into his pockets.

Deciding to switch topics to a better one, I wave a hand at the romantic spread. “You planned this.”

“A date.” He sweeps out an arm, all traces of unpleasantness gone. “Kirian said humans like those.”

“I’ve never been on a date.”

I get the feeling fancy dinners aren’t a common occurrence here at the citadel. The candlesticks are half-used, with old wax rivulets on the sides. The white tablecloth looks like a thin bedsheet. The silver platter is scratched and dinged, and I’d be willing to bet it was used as a shield at some point.

“After the prom thing, I was really freaked out,” I continue. “I stayed away from relationships because I was so afraid I’d see something like I did before—something I didn’t want to know.” A replay of the arrow spearing Damon’s chest pops up in my mind, but I push it away.

Because he can’t die. I won’t allow it, and neither will he. We promised.

Damon sets our bowls down. Turning toward me, he tenderly rubs his thumb over my chin before pulling out my chair. “I’m glad this is a first for both of us. I don’t want to scare you, but when I think about another man touching you, I want to rip him limb from limb.”

I shouldn’t laugh. Damon’s confession is violent and wrong, but I understand how he feels.

A snort escapes. “I’m not a skilled fighter—yet—but if any woman even thought she had a chance with you, I might do the same.”

“Your bloodlust is sexy.”

That’s a fucked-up thing to say. And it’s even worse that it turns me on.

I’m starting to realize how special it is to be fated mates. To burn with the hottest desire, to shiver from frigid ruthlessness, and to exist in the whirlwind of love that roars between the two extremes.

“Tonight, I’m an open book. No bargains, just answers.” Damon sprawls out in his chair. “There’s much for you to learn, my little carrot.”

“Thank you.”

Maybe hitting his head as hard as I did knocked some sense into him. I feel like he’s finally treating me like an equal, not an invalid.

I’m going to take full advantage of it, but first, I need to eat.

When I dig into my stew, I’m pleasantly surprised by the rich flavor. There’s a basket of rolls and I grab one, break a piece off, and dip it into the salty broth. The bread has a sweetness to it that’s a perfect complement to the stew.

I pluck a blueberry from the shield tray, but I gasp when I feel how cold it is.

“You guys freeze your fruit?” I pop it into my mouth and it’s more like a ball of sorbet.

Damon grabs a handful. “These are ice berries. They’re imported from the Dream Realm, and they stay frozen for days after being picked.”

“You have the coolest stuff in your kingdom.”

“Our kingdom, baby,” he corrects me, and every time he calls me baby, it’s a livewire straight to my libido. Copyright 2016 - 2024