The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,40

treating someone as if they’re precious or if they’re fragile. You can value me without making me feel weak.”

“I just want to shield you from everything. Is that so bad?”

“It’s part of the problem, yeah,” she says honestly. “You’ve barely told me anything about this world.”

“The unsavory details of Valora’s history are not for the faint of heart.”

“Earth has a lot of bad shit, too, but I was born here. If I was meant to be fae, I deserve to know my heritage. Keeping me in the dark is a hinderance. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, I do,” I admit quietly.

She’s argued me into a corner. I can’t dispute any of those points, and I’m oddly proud of her for putting me in my place. She might’ve been raised as a human, but her fae traits are strong.

“Teach me everything,” she begs. “Arm me with knowledge and show me how to defend myself.”

“You’re right. I can’t expect you to be my queen if you’re not familiar with the lands you’re going to rule.”

Silence hangs between us for a few moments, and I feel her mood take a dive at the mention of our future.

A future she doesn’t think we’ll have together.

And suddenly, her eagerness to learn makes sense. She wants to be prepared for what’s coming our way.

Whitley’s been through so much recently. As her mate, it’s my job to help her through all the ups and downs in life. If I can help her to feel more secure, then I will.

“Fine,” I relent. “I promise to be more forthcoming from now on when you ask questions. We’ll have one sparring session when we get to the citadel, but I want payment now.”

She perks up. “Oka—”

“And,” I cut in, “I get to kiss you every time I hurt you.”

Trailing her finger down the V neckline of my shirt, she says, “You’re only making this deal sound better and better.”

My cock leaps behind the leather keeping it restrained. “Then we’re agreed?”

“Agreed.” She sucks in a breath when her heart stutters from the vow, and I take the opportunity to kiss her while her lips are parted.

My bottom lip fits between hers as our mouths fuse together.

And it’s the best thing I’ve ever felt. To finally kiss someone—my someone—has been a wish of mine for as long as I can remember. I’ve thought about this moment so many times. Fantasized about it for countless hours.

My imagination never did it justice. No amount of self-pleasure has ever lived up to a simple kiss. The sweetness of Whitley’s lips. The warmth of her breath. The way she involuntarily curls her fingers against my shirt.

Her hands leave my chest, and she brings them up around my neck. She finds my hair there, weaving through the strands as we stay connected.

Cupping her face, I nip at her lips before finding a new way for us to fit together. I enjoy the softness of her mouth melding with mine. There’s no need to deepen the kiss. Not yet. I want to go slow because if I don’t take my time, I fear the desire will take over. Push too hard. Go too far.

The last thing I want to do is scare Whitley with how much I want her.

But when she bites my lip, it’s game over. Amazing how a gentle nibble could be a wrecking ball to my self-control.

Growling, I move my palms from her waist to her ass. I grab her luscious backside and walk forward until she’s pinned against a tree. I have her trapped. Imprisoned in my arms.


My hips buck of their own accord, rubbing my cock against her. Tilting my head to the side, I change the angle of the kiss and push my tongue past her lips. When she opens, letting me in, we both moan.

Again and again, I slant my mouth over hers. The longer it goes on, the more I want.

I could do this for hours.

Whitley unknowingly unlocked a well of endless need inside me. The way her lips massage mine, the way she continues to nip at me with her teeth—it’ll never be enough.

“Baby,” I groan into her mouth. “Don’t want to stop.”

“Then don’t,” she pants between kisses. “This makes everything better. You make me forget about everything but this.”

Male pride swells within me. My poor mate is grieving, but I can relieve her pain.

“Your majesty,” Astrid calls from the palace steps, staying far enough away to be unaffected by my magic. “It seems your crew has been knocked out, leaving Copyright 2016 - 2024