The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,39

to grow my connection with her when everyone is nearby? Hovering. Listening. Cracking jokes at my expense.

I stop under the shelter of some trees and link my hands with hers. “The next several days are going to be a challenge.”

“In what way?”

“In every way. As you can already tell, we won’t get much alone time.” Nodding my head toward the carriage, I warn, “We don’t have advanced technology here. It’ll take us all day to get to the Night Realm, and two more after that to get to Dawn and Dusk. The last day will be much like this one before we arrive at our destination.”

“Do I have to ride in that?” Whitley speaks toward the wheeled vehicle as if it’s a death trap.

“No. In fact, I’d love it if you’d stay on the horse with me.”

“And we’ll take breaks, won’t we?”

“Of course. To eat and stretch our legs.”

“Well, I think I have a solution to our quality time issue.”

My clever mate. A secret rendezvous in the forest, perhaps?

“I’m eager to hear this,” I murmur by her ear. Everything about her is alluring, and I want nothing more than to nip the lobe just inches away from my mouth.

“I want fighting lessons.”

I rear back. “What?”

“You all carry weapons for a reason.”

She has a point. “Well, yes.”

“So, shouldn’t I have one, too?”

“You don’t need to,” I say protectively. “Not when I’m with you.”

“I’m in a strange place, and witches are hunting us down as we speak. You seriously expect me to sit back and let you handle it?”

“Yes.” I’m not trying to hurt Whitley’s feelings, but honestly, what could she do to help in this situation?

“I think I deserve a lot of credit for not freaking the fuck out over the past couple days.”

“You do,” I tell her, and it’s true. She’s handled the crazy events with more grace and dignity than anyone I’ve ever known.

“To be honest, a lot of it is because of you. Being around you feels… right. You make me feel safe and calm and—and happy.” She struggles with the last part, seeming bashful about how honest she’s being. “But I don’t want to rely on you for everything.”

Refusing to be charmed by the compliment that warms my heart, I tell her, “Listen, when I say no to something, it’s because I have your best interests in mind. I don’t want you in harm’s way.”

“A small sword would be cool,” she goes on, ignoring my protests. “Teach me how to fight with that. Or hand-to-hand combat.” She lands a few playful jabs on my stomach.

I catch her fists. “No. Training isn’t a harmless game. I would have to hurt you.”

She rolls her eyes so hard I can hear it. “I know that. I took karate classes when I was a kid. It’s not super clear when I think about it, but I’m ninety-nine percent sure muscle memory will kick in.”

“Is that a real statistic, or did you just make that up?”

“Muscle memory is a thing.”

“I’ll consider it.” And I do for about two seconds before deciding against it.


Pressing a finger to Whitley’s pouting mouth, I lean in close. “Don’t beg. Don’t you dare beg me. I won’t be able to say no.”

“That’s kind of the point.” She gently bites the tip of my finger, and my cock roars to life.

I want to grind it against her. Naked. I want her dress out of the way so I can feel the warmth of her skin on my shaft. Hooking an arm inside her cloak, I circle her waist and pull her to me. She gasps when my hard-on nudges her stomach.

“You know.” Dipping my head, I let my lips hover just an inch away from hers. “I haven’t kissed you yet. Not where I really want to.”

“People can see us,” she says breathlessly.

I don’t give a fuck, but if being watched makes Whitley self-conscious, I can fix it. Using my power, I send the slumber waves behind me.

Slowly, of course. I wouldn’t want anyone to bust their faces when they go down. Yawns and the sound of slumping bodies follow. At least there’s a good amount of snow on the ground to soften their fall.

“Wha—” Whitley huffs out a laugh as she glances over my shoulder. “I can’t believe you just did that. Wake them back up.”

“Not until I’ve gotten that kiss.”

“Are you holding my new friends hostage?”

“Simply bargaining.”

“If we’re making deals, then promise you’ll train me. I realize I’m important to you, but there’s a difference between Copyright 2016 - 2024