The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,21

ever since Astrid and I discussed how tired Kai would be after flying for so long.

There was a distillery raid just yesterday outside of Elyria, a town north of here. I haven’t disposed of the Glow supply yet, which is something I always insist on doing myself to make sure it doesn’t get into the wrong hands.

Well, the wrong hands just might be my own.

I don’t care.

Yes, it’s illegal. And yeah, I’d be setting a bad example if word ever got out to my kingdom that I utilized the drug for my own gain. But the well-being of my mate and future queen hangs in the balance. I’d lie, cheat, steal, and kill for Whitley. If I have to compromise my integrity a little, so be it.

I motion for Kai to follow me to a place under the stairs where we won’t be overheard. Shifting a piece of stone, I open the secret closet and we slip inside.

“Distilled day water,” I mumble after shutting us in. “Have you ever had it?”

“Of course not, your majesty.”

“Don’t waste a lie on this question, Kai. There won’t be any punishment if you have.”

“I’m telling the truth.”

I nod once, accepting his honesty. “Do you want some? It might be unethical, but I’m willing to make an exception this time.”

“I won’t touch it,” Kai refuses. “I’ve seen what it does to people—the addictions they suffer. There’s such a thing as too much power. It can poison the best of us. The situation is bad in the Day Realm—worse than you can even imagine.”

“I’ve gotten reports. Is it true you’re breaking up distilleries every day?”

“Yes. With an abundance of day water to work with, nothing is standing in the way of production. People are turning to the Glow to amplify their powers. They’re fighting back, defending their distilleries. Men are dying from that faster than women are succumbing to the plague. Soldiers are abandoning their posts,” he confides quietly. “It’s too much for us to take on.”

“I’m surprised your general let you leave then.”

“King Zander himself relieved Torius and me of our duties to assist you.”

Hmm. An act of selflessness from the king. Technically, Zander is in my debt, so it’s hard to know if he’s doing this to repay me or if he’s working an angle to get something in return.

I’ll worry about that later.

Right now, Whitley needs Kai. “Are your powers good enough on their own?”

“I’ve healed entire armies after days of ongoing battle.” Kai sounds a bit insulted. “Gemma didn’t specify, but this is for your mate, right? Her injuries are extensive?”

“Yes,” I reply sullenly. “She could die.”

“Not on my watch.”

His confidence bolsters mine, and for the first time in days, I’m excited instead of battling the constant dread and worry.

“Well, what are we waiting for? It’s time to go get my mate.”

“Are you insane?” Kirian crosses his arms. “Quinn stays here. That’s final.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You heard Astrid. I have three minutes—only three—to retrieve Whitley before the portal closes. I don’t know the first thing about human hospital shit.”

“Neither does Quinn. Watching a few medical dramas doesn’t make her an expert. What if the portal closes while you two are still over there?”

“It won’t.”

Astrid clears her throat. “Actually, it might.”

I wish I had my sight just so I could give her a death glare. “Not helping.”

“Do I get a say in this?” Quinn asks flatly.

“No,” Kirian answers at the same time I say, “Yes.”

She huffs. “No offense, but it’s not up to either of you. I can decide for myself. Damon, you saved my life once. I haven’t forgotten that, and I want to return the favor.”

Victorious, I grin. “Spoken like a true fae.”

Kirian storms past me, body checking me with his shoulder on the way. Knowing he’s been overruled, he takes a seat in one of the chairs along the wall. Probably to go pout. Or seethe.

Quinn follows. While she tries to convince him it’ll be okay, I make sure everything is in place for Whitley.

The throne room has been transformed into a makeshift hospital. The long dining table is covered with a soft blanket and pillows. Maids and cooks scurry about, making sure there’s hot broth, tea, and water available. Various carts are stacked with food, clean sheets, and towels.

Kai, Tibbs, and Doctor Hessa are here. Glass bottles clink together as Astrid juggles some potions in one arm while holding onto the box containing the portal with the other.

“… but I can’t let Damon go in Copyright 2016 - 2024