The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,20

team to facilitate Whitley’s recovery.

Tibbs is here as backup, just in case Kai can’t get here in time to heal her.

A gnome doctor from the outskirts of Cassia has been getting the royal treatment in the guest wing. I don’t even know if we’ll need her, but her presence can’t hurt. I would’ve preferred someone who specializes in a species closer to humans, but Hessa is the only medical professional in the Dream Realm at the moment. All the others are in the Day Realm trying to contain the plague. Although, if Kai can’t heal Whitley, I highly doubt any doctor can. Fortunately, he should arrive tomorrow.

And Kirian. I probably shouldn’t have knocked him out. He’s been good to me, and because of his extensive knowledge of the human realm, he’s given me great advice on how to make Whitley feel at home in Valora. Apparently, Quinn hates the dresses the fae women wear. The corsets are too restrictive, so I’ve got some seamstresses using soft, stretchy fabrics to sew appropriate clothing for Whitley. Kirian also passed along a few human recipes to the kitchen staff, so they’ll have familiar food on hand.

I couldn’t be more prepared, but I’m still uneasy. The disturbing emptiness inside my heart persists, growing more intense with every passing minute.

Mate withdrawal sucks.

Just as I’ve drained my goblet, the trumpets from my guard blare, signaling someone’s arrival. Then they sound three additional times.

Four guests?

“Who could that be?” I ask Kirian, even though he’s still out. “We’re not expecting anyone today.”

Palming the machete strapped to my belt, I leave the dining hall ready for a fight.

It’d feel good to kick someone’s ass right now. I’m not sure if the coven would have the audacity to show up at my castle, but if they do, I’d consider myself lucky.

Kirian and I have spent the past two days talking about strategy when it comes to luring the witches out, but our plan isn’t much of a plan at all. Basically, we’re hoping an opportunity arises, and we’ll take advantage of it the best we can. No doubt the coven will be causing trouble as long as Whitley and I are unbonded, just as they did with Kirian and Quinn. If we have a run-in, I won’t hesitate to end them.

As I near the palace entrance, I pull my blade halfway out, but I relax when I hear Quinn’s voice echoing in the foyer.

“Damon is family. He’ll want me here.”

Exiting the corridor, I smell honeysuckle soap, along with another female. Sniffing, I detect two males other than my soldiers. There’s a distinct scent of sweat, unwashed skin, and leather.

And sunlight.

Warriors from the Day Realm.

“That’s King Damon to you, your majesty,” the head of my guard corrects Quinn. “You might be a queen, but I’m under strict orders not to let anyone in except for Kai.”

“Stand down, Dermott,” I call out as I approach. “Quinn is always welcome.”

“As you wish,” he replies stiffly.

Quinn rushes over to give me a quick hug, and her bulky duffle bag hits me in the side.

“You didn’t pack light,” I comment.

“We’re ladies.” Isla, Quinn’s palace companion, sounds strained as she drops three bags to the floor. “What would you expect?”

“Planning to stay awhile?”

“As long as you need us,” Quinn answers kindly, and I’m reminded of why I like her so much. “Where’s my husband?”

As if her words conjure him, Kirian charges around the corner, yawning before he says, “Quinn, what are you doing here?”

“Did you forget today is your birthday?” Before he can respond, she explains, “I used one of your portals. Surprise!”

“My clever woman.” Kirian’s happy sigh is followed by a smooching sound. “Where’s Dani?”

“With your mother. It’s about time you and I had a little vacay.”

“I couldn’t have asked for a better present.” His head shifts my way. “And what the fuck, Damon? You know you’re not supposed to use your snooze shit on me.”

Unapologetic, I shrug.

Always the peacekeeper, Quinn defuses the tension by changing the subject. “Let’s focus on the task at hand. I’ve brought Kai and Torius. They stopped at Delaveria to eat, and I figured it would save time to—”

“Kai?” I cut her off, too excited to wait for her to finish. “Are you rested?”

“Not quite, but good enough.” His gruff response is music to my ears. “We flew all night and we were prepared to continue through the day, but the portal saved us from that.”

Thinking, I rub the back of my neck. I’ve been grappling with a dangerous idea Copyright 2016 - 2024