Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,92

change, so I suggest staying exactly where you are before I look too deeply as to why you wouldn’t want to be on my lap in front of your obvious admirer.” I swallowed hard at the same time I stopped moving, although there was no way I could relax like he wanted.

“That’s not fair,” I whispered back after turning my face into him so only he would hear.

“No, it was not,” he replied not bothering to hide his statement this time and most definitely referring to finding me in Trice’s arms. And speaking of Trice, well, he wasn’t exactly helping matters by giving Lucius what was a blatant death stare. It most definitely had to be said that he was utterly fearless, that or suicidal!

The three brothers walked the length of the throne room and only stopped about five feet from the bottom of the steps. I gave Gryph and Vern a little smile, glad to see that the cockiest brother out of the three was now healing. But then this forced me to remember that it was the man at my back who had inflicted those injuries. I had to say, the thought sickened me a little, despite knowing that in Hell things clearly worked differently for Lucius as one of its rulers.

The two either side of Trice showed their respect and started to lower to one knee as they faced their King. However, it was only when Gryph hissed,

“Trice,” did he then do the same. Although, when he did, he made it clear he did so begrudgingly. I was actually surprised when Lucius let it go, even though I did feel his hand tense by my side, and I looked down to find it fisted in the material of my trousers.

“Rise!” He snapped making them do so and as Vern and Gryph stood, they both nodded their heads to me and said,


However, it was Trice who ignored me completely and admittedly it hurt, although for obvious reasons I knew it was for the best.

“And to what do I owe this intrusion?” Lucius asked in a masterful tone that may have appeared relaxed, but I knew it was really anything but. He also started wrapping a length of my hair around his fingers as if this was a habit of his.

It was all a show.

“We 'ere tae receive whit was promised tae us,” Trice stated in a hard voice, speaking of course about his soul.

“Ah yes, that of your souls…seems like a fitting price for returning another soul I own,” Lucius stated making me suck in a hiss of breath and Trice sneered in disgust.

“Relax now, laddie,” his big brother warned on a whisper as Lucius wasn’t the only one now fisting his hands.

“I would listen to your brother, McBain, for you are lucky that after last night I am in a good mood…one that will only last so long until she is under me again,” Lucius warned making me suck in another breath as he continued to act as if I was some kind of whore he had fucked and was now feeling good about it!

I was near shaking I was that furious.

I turned my face away, feeling disgusted and hurt. Yes, I knew that Lucius had to act a certain way and keep up a charade to keep me safe, but this wasn’t that. No, this was just a pissing contest between men! Lucius was going too far and before long I knew I would snap. Because a person could only take so much, and Lucius was about to find out just what my limits of this little act of his was. And I could pretty much guarantee that he wouldn’t like the fucking outcome!

“I wull relax when we hae whit's due tae us, 'til then...” Trice started to say but Lucius had clearly had enough,

“Till then you are still under my fucking rule and you would do well remembering that!”

“Oh, I remember it a'richt!” Trice snarled back making Gryph mutter,

“Ah Fuck.” And Vern muttered back,

“At least tis nae me pissin’ him aff this time.”

“You have something to say shifter then fucking say it!” Lucius snapped back goading him…hell, but at this point they were fucking goading each other!

“Ye have yer lass, 'n' I am just wantin’ mah soul, thats th' only business we hae left,” Trice stated with a shrug of his shoulders.

“And you have interrupted me the dessert of my meal, so it is a business that will have to wait,” Lucius replied trailing his

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