Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,93

fingertips down the side of my breast to make his point and it was one I didn’t like. As in…At. All.

Which is why I snapped,

“Why don’t one of you just piss on me while you’re at it!” Lucius tensed beneath me and the brothers all gasped, whilst his second in command sniggered,

“Umm, you know, I am starting to like your slave.”

“Silence!” Lucius snarled to his side at the comment before turning his attention back to me, doing so by roughly pulling on my chain, so it brought my face closer to his. Then he warned,

“Don’t force my hand girl, for you will remember your place!”

“Oh, I remember it…my Lord!” I growled this last part making him snarl back at me. Then he turned his angry eyes back to Trice who looked to have taken a step towards me, only was then quickly restrained by Gryph. This was because his hand was still planted on his brother’s chest. But Trice looked down at it before shrugging it off and saying,

“Come oan brothers, it looks lik' th' vow of a King isn’t whit it used tae be.” Then he turned his back on Lucius who took this as the ultimate insult because suddenly I found myself dumped back on my mound of material. Then he was gone. I blinked and saw that Lucius now had Trice in a deadly grasp, after erupting fully into his demon. He had thrown Trice flat on his back with a demonic hand wrapped around his throat.

“NO!” I shouted making Lucius growl back at me over his shoulder.

“You care for this owned life, my slave?” Lucius snarled at me making me take a shuddering breath before nodding, a muttered plea came next,

“Please…please don’t do this.”

However, during this Lucius was getting a bite of pain back as I could see that Trice’s eyes had turned to ice blue, along with his skin becoming like frost. It travelled down his features until reaching his neck therefore touching Lucius’ hand who had no choice but to let go.

Then, just before he could take further action against him, Carn’reau came running through the doors at the end and declared,

“My King, there is an army coming from the Echoing Forest!” Lucius snarled in anger, pushed off Trice and snarled an order over his shoulder at his second in command,

“Office…now!” He said before nodding at me and I was quickly on my feet, slightly panicking now as to what new shit was happening. Especially when I watched Lucius walk towards his general. And with each step taken, a long and thick black sword started to form down his arm. Then once whole, he circled his blade with a roll of his wrist as if at the ready to take on this new threat.

I took one step towards him, the worry clearly written on my face when suddenly an arm took hold of me and brought me face to face with the one Lucius named Šeš. His beautiful almond shaped green eyes were frowning down at me in question before back at his King as he disappeared through the front doors.

“I suggest you three fuck off before he comes back and as for you, come with me,” he said pulling me off to one side despite my struggles.

“Lucius!” I shouted but the moment we were behind a wall hidden from the view of his throne room he swung me around and hissed a warning at me,

“Don’t be foolish, girl.”

“Why…you gonna throw me in a fucking prison cell again?!” I snapped making him hold me tighter before dragging me off down an empty hallway, muttering about irrational mortals.

“If it had been left up to me, then you would likely still be there, as you have been nothing but fucking trouble from the start.” I frowned wondering what he meant by that but before I could ask he opened a door and pushed me inside it.

“If you know what is good for you, then I suggest you stay in here or it will be that same cell my guards will put you in!” He warned, and I could now see the guards he spoke of materialise out of nowhere as if suddenly summoned. Then, before I could say another word, he slammed the door.

I hammered a fist on the heavy panelled wood in my anger before taking in the room with a frustrated breath. I quickly assessed the space, seeing that there was no other way in or out. Not exactly surprising seeing as I hadn’t

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