Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,71

us and fisted a hand in my hair to hold me to him,

“No, Amelia, you’re not…”

“But, Lucius I…” I uttered in a pained tone, hating to hear this coming from him. But then before my mind could stay haunted on those words, he finished his sentence, growling it out like a promise to the Gods,

“…You’re my fucking Queen!” After this he crushed his lips to mine and kissed me, one that this time, made my shocked gasp end on a deep and blissful moan. This was because the kiss was most definitely one between reunited lovers, and instead of the few days apart, it felt more like it had been years!

It was a kiss I felt in my very bones and it lit up my insides as if I had barely been living before it. My hands fisted in his hair unwilling to allow him even the remotest chance at pulling back and putting space between us.

Gods how I needed him!

“Lucius.” I muttered his name, one he tasted and responded to by growling before once more deepening the kiss. But only seconds after thrusting his tongue inside, he was taking it away again and I couldn’t help the needy reaction.

“No, please.” I could tell with the way his eyes burned a deeper crimson that he liked the sound of this coming from my lips, something he shared with me verbally,

“Easy, Pet, I am not going anywhere. You, on the other hand,” he said before quickly sweeping my legs out from under me and carrying me up to the highest point in the room. The small mountain of jagged glass had a hidden staircase sectioned off and was at least thirty steps up the mass of black crystal. It was only made obvious as to what it was when we neared the top and I could see the hollowed section in the middle that was surrounded by deadly shards. These all ranged between four-foot high and at least ten-foot, and once again I was left questioning how a person like me would even get in a bed like this.

These taller shards were grouped together at the corners which created the illusion of a four poster bed as if grown from the ground of the tower itself. But then this also presented a problem seeing as it looked impossible to not just get into but more importantly…get out of.

Was this Lucius’ idea of my prison?

Once again, the idea of that should have annoyed me more than what it did do, which was turn me on. Because even at the lowest point of the bed, it would have been too high to climb into, and well, dangerous at that. Especially given that each cluster of shards ended in a row of deadly tips.

However, this proved not to be a problem for Lucius as he lowered his hold on me a little before literally throwing me up in the air and tossing my body over the killer tips. I landed safely in the huge bed with a double bounce.

I looked back up in time to see Lucius grasp a shard not far from the top with his gauntleted hand before catapulting himself over them with startling ease. Again, his landing made my body bounce and it didn’t stop until he had lowered himself down over me. He continued to get closer, until his lips were once again to mine but before he continued his kiss where he had left off, he finished proving his point,

“And now, you are going nowhere.” And with one look around what now essentially looked like a spiked cage, then yeah, I guess he was right…

I was going nowhere.

After this I didn’t have much time to take in anything else, other than the bed was firm, the sheets were a red so dark, they almost looked black and they didn’t feel like any material I had ever felt before. Almost like a mix between satin and suede. It was also at least three times bigger than any other bed of his, in both length and width. Unsurprising then, that it made me feel even smaller than I was, especially with Lucius’ big body caging me into it.

I could feel the heat coming from his body, and he could no doubt feel the trembling need coming from mine, something his bad boy grin told me he enjoyed. But instead of finishing the kiss, like this position silently promised, he first teased me by running his fingertip around the metal ring still

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