Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,70

I might be what you would call foolish and reckless and stupid or whatever else you called me, Lucius, but I gathered as much just before the panic set in…but thanks for pointing out my mistakes like I didn’t already know and suffer from them!” I said adding this last part in a tone that said it all, making him not as cautious as he rolled his eyes before saying,

“Yes, well despite your lax in that famous intelligence of yours, I at least tried to cling on to the knowledge that you believed in your noble cause and were being led by it.” I gritted my teeth to hold back the insult and instead went with another round of sarcasm,

“Oh geez, thanks,” I mumbled making him frown at me.

“Is that why you were an asshole to me back out there, even when we were alone?” I asked making him growl,

“No, my demon was like that with you because you were still in danger of being discovered had I been the foolish one and reacted any differently towards you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked looking back towards the door that strangely from this side just looked like any other castle door. Where the mass of souls were? I didn’t know. Although, what had I expected exactly, for them to have all been in here like one big party to welcome their Master home. Yeah, ‘cause that wouldn’t have been weird at all, I thought wryly.

“There may have not been any of my people around but there are those that are still able to spy on us no matter where we are in my castle…everywhere except this room.” I frowned in question and looked around the unusual space. It didn’t exactly look like your typical bedroom, that was for damn sure! What with the flaming shard torches and the black glass furniture seemingly merging into the walls. Even the floor was ominous looking, like some frozen black lake that any minute you expected to crack and send you to an eternal watery grave.

But then my eyes rested on the largest structure in the room, making me question its purpose. It was like a raised platform, high enough you couldn’t see the top thanks to being surrounded by the jagged mass of black shards rising up like giant clawed fingers.

“And what is this room exactly?” I asked needing to be sure that the room I was in was in fact Lucius’ bedroom and not some secret sexual dungeon he planned to ‘punish’ me in. Gods, but what was wrong with me as just the thought alone and I couldn’t help it as a sexual shudder rippled through my body.

“It is my bed chamber…and that you have been staring at is my bed.”

“Oh,” I muttered at the sight of such a thing, wondering how you would even get in something like that…oh right, but of course…wings.

“The reason no one can access this space is because the storm that forever continues to rage around the tower protects it from anything getting through. It is drawn to the heart of the Crimson Eye at its core,” he told me and piqued my curiosity enough to ask,

“Crimson Eye?” He smirked as if he knew I would ask, for my inquisitive nature wouldn’t have let something like that pass without questioning it. But then disappointment followed as he told me,

“That is a conversation for another time, Pet. All you need to know is that the storm protects this tower, which is also why it was made my personal quarters as no one can enter or leave without my command…” He paused a moment so he could rise from his seat and get closer to me. Then he leant down over me and warned me softly in my ear,

“And that, Pet, my little prisoner…

“Includes you.”



“What exactly are you saying, Lucius, that I am looking at my new cell?” I snapped making him grin in a way that was solely sinful. Then he took hold of my chin in his hand, lifted my head back and told me,

“Amelia, my sweet little troublemaker, after what you have put me through, then you should be thankful to find yourself free of your leash.” At this I’d had enough and stood up to face him, something he clearly found amusing.

“You can’t keep me here as a prisoner!”

“And why not?” He asked arrogantly, still grinning,

“Because I am your girlfriend, that’s why!” I told him, and this was when he closed the small distance between

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