Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,50

and war.”

“All is fair in love and war.” I whispered back to myself after hearing those same words being said down at me, by the only voice I wanted to hear. I remembered it well, as it had once come from my Goddess.

My Chosen One.

“My Amelia,” I whispered out loud and unable to help doing so in a pained way. Then one look down, and suddenly I snapped. For it was in that very moment that everything cleared in my mind and the controlling fog no longer clouded me in a sexual haze. As a result, my fangs slipped free and snarled at the bodies that surrounded me. It was a dangerous threat but the one girl on top of me didn’t move quick enough. I ended up pushing her from me hard enough that she bounced from the bed and toppled to the floor.

“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I roared in a rage so powerful, it cracked all the glass doors that surrounded me, making the girls all scream back in fright. Then I erupted back into my demon side, released my wings and flew straight up smashing through the glass floor to the banqueting hall. Everyone in the room cried out in fear…all except Asmodeus, who didn’t so much as flinch. Bodies all scrambled off the large table as food spilt from the ruined feast and the redhead covered in cream foolishly tried to stop me. The second she put her hands out to try and touch me, I pushed her back into the arms of one of the male servants who was trying to pass me, knowing she was lucky I didn’t break her neck.

I was fucking livid!

“You dare to pull that shit with me!” I thundered as Asmodeus simply pushed his throne like chair back from the table and shrugged his shoulders casually.

“I thought it would be amusing to try,” he confessed making me snarl,

“I am no one’s fucking puppet!”

“No, for surely you are someone’s if you belong to her?” he challenged, making me lose my shit completely. I grabbed the end of the table and flipped it so hard that it and all its contents went crashing into the wall. This doing so barely missing the girls tied up there and unable to escape my wrath.

“SHE IS MY CHOSEN ONE!” I roared the second after it smashed into the stone arches and quickly became chunks of splintered wood. Finally, at this he released a deep sigh and rose to his feet before telling me,

“Come…I’d best help you find her then.” After he said this he turned around and started walking towards the back of the room where he knew I would follow. Especially after finally giving me hope of achieving the reason I had come here in the first place. I ended up following him onto a balcony that overlooked his dark, lustful realm. Sex wasn’t just an act to indulge in for Asmodeus, it was what fuelled his very essence and naturally made him one of the most powerful beings in all of Hell. For lust and sex was the same as what hatred and violence did for the Devil. Both sides were some of the most powerful emotions that fed the underworld just as worship, love, and loyalty fed the Gods in Heaven their power.

It didn’t make one better than the other, for each side of the divine coin was a gold forged from the exploitation of mortals. But in truth, not one could exist without the other, for the circle of life didn’t only spin in one direction. As wars were still fought amongst mortals despite there being enough land for all, just like Gods did in their quest for even more power. Only those that felt something more…found something more…were the ones in power that finally said…


Their quest for more was finally over and fulfilment came in another form. So right now, the sight of his castle towers simply looking like the cities of the Earth. Only swapping carved stone turrets for metal and glass encasing mortal flesh in business suits. A sight that did nothing for me. It was just another fucked up reminder for me of what I once was.

Before there was her.

Asmodeus flicked out his long robe before leaning heavily against the high black spiral balustrades, and for the first time I had to ask myself had I gotten it all wrong? This sinful life most certainly got stale after a while, for even I knew that after only

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