Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,51

two thousand years of it. But then for someone like Asmodeus, who had endless lifetimes of not wondering when he would meet his Chosen One but instead, when would he ever get her back. Gods, but it must have been a tortured existence, one I wouldn’t ever fucking wish for!

Fuck me, but I had been forced to experience merely a few months without her and I was near tearing my mortal kingdom apart along with my fucking hair out!

“I heard whispers of a mortal girl,” Asmodeus finally said.

“Where?” I asked quickly and in a tense tone that said all it needed to about my waning patience.

“You really do love her don’t you?” He asked instead of answering my question and now turning back to look at me.

“I do…now tell me where?” I said sternly. He released another sigh and nodded to himself as if deciding something within him, something he didn’t share. Then he looked back over his kingdom and said,

“It was said she was wandering somewhere in the forest of rooted soul breeders.” Hearing this and my blood started to run cold, as I hissed a pointless plea through my teeth,


“I take it that means my granddaughter is in danger?” He asked, finally looking concerned as he fucking should be, considering my Chosen One was about to walk into a fucking war!

“Yes…she fucking is, and we are done here!” I hissed through gritted teeth before releasing my wings and just as I did, Asmodeus gave me one last thing.

“I had to be certain, Luc…she’s my only granddaughter.” I knew what he meant…he was speaking about his fucked-up test of fidelity.

“Only the strongest love ever conquers it,” he added, and I growled low before letting my wings take me up into the air to hover about ten feet above where he stood and snapped,

“Yeah, well, next time…try fucking asking!” Then I shot through the thick, sinful air, ignoring the pull of lust far easier now that I was putting distance between myself and the castle. I was soon back at the portal and stepping through it after cracking the flint beneath my feet with the impact of my heavy landing.

Because finally it was time to go get my girl and if I had to, then I would…

Start another fucking war!


Sticky Web of Lies

After stepping back through the portal and into my own realm once more I took to the skies. I knew this was the quickest way to the outskirts of my realm and all I could think to question was if Dariush had got word to the McBain brothers in time. For they had been headed that way to begin with. Now all I could hope for was that they had reached their destination before being ordered to turn back and when doing so, they hadn’t been too late in finding her.

Gods, but there were just so many possibilities as to what could have gone wrong and all of them seemed to assault me at once. Doing so to the point that I was nearly a nervous fucking wreck by the time I landed. Of course, it didn’t help that when I did, it was in the middle of nothing but the death and destruction left after the war had clearly ended. I looked one way towards the side of the forest that belonged to the rooted soul breeders, and then the other towards the spiteful Spider Queen. It didn’t take me long to assess the damage on both sides, seeing as it had been extensive enough that most of the forest had been burnt to a cinder and beyond all life.

I could currently see what was left of the mortal part of the Queen’s body, nestled at the centre of a broken a mass of spider limbs and body parts. These sections of what was left of the arachnid demon were surrounded by smaller creatures that were all spinning webs and trying to recapture the human form of Arachne before she could drag herself free. The pieces that had been collected were slowly making their way back to their lair, as they were being dragged by lengths of webbing attached to lines of its surviving children.

Good, there was a mind left to manipulate the truth from.

But then I scented something on the breeze and froze my steps the second I did. It was blood…Amelia’s blood. I closed my eyes and sucked back a shuddered breath, holding it there for longer in hopes of calming the fuck down. I

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