Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,36

time. But like me, respect had to be shown to anyone who had the ability to get the better of someone that high up on the food chain. For they only got there by slaying their enemies and getting the better of anyone who had stood in their way. And this was without taking into account her being a gorgeous, unsuspecting woman dressed like a flight attendant speeding through the doors in a stolen Ferrari.

My little Hell on wheels.

I shook these thoughts from my head and released my wings knowing time was of the essence, and what I needed to do next I wanted to get done and out of the fucking way, quickly. It was time to reclaim my throne and use my title to its fullest, something that had to start first with a meeting with my second in command. The one I had appointed to rule in my absence.

But then again, he was the only one that ever could.

I landed with much more force than was necessary, cracking the stone beneath me and making those who worked at the castle run in fear the moment they saw me.

“Looks like not a lot has changed then,” I muttered to myself as I entered my ostentatious throne room that was stark white marble and lengths of crimson displaying my sigil. The grand hall was mostly empty, which wasn’t surprising considering there was no particular reason for my second in command to hold court. Of course, when news got out of my return, the place would be packed with those both curious and those too afraid of not appearing and showing their loyalty to their King or fearing my famous wrath.

Truth was, even though my demon side was at home here, it had to be said that when living topside in the mortal realm, that side of me was far calmer than when down here. I think it was because there was always some threat. Some edge to be forced to walk along, even in my own kingdom and down here, it was razor sharp and usually came with teeth waiting for the opportunity to skin into both your flesh and your position.

I ignored the reactions to my arrival as my guards all dropped to one knee and kept their heads lowered with their weapons held in front of them. The sign of submission would have been a welcomed sight any other time but right now, there was no time for an egotistical mind. I was here for one reason and one reason only…

I wanted my fucking woman back!

“Ah, so the prodigal son returns at last, to what do we owe this royal visit?” My second in command said rising from the horn covered throne, one made from the remains of my enemies and a crude reminder to all who foolishly thought about ever crossing me. I made my way across the vast gleaming white space in seconds and took the steps up to my throne three at a time before granting the cocky bastard my answer.

“I have come here to hunt,” I told him making him raise a brow in question, but it was one for now I didn’t add an answer too.

“Now I am intrigued,” was his reply, to which my own response was,

“All in good time, Šeš, but for now, there is only one thing I need…or should I say three.” He granted me a knowing grin that morphed into a cunning smile the moment I finished my order…

“I need to call in a vow of those blood bound…” I looked back towards the doors and said…

“Get me, the McBain Brothers.”


Family Connections

“The McBain brothers are out on assignment…exactly what is this about?” My second asked the moment my displeasure was shown with my scowl.

“Where are they?” I asked ignoring his question making him sigh as he flicked out the length of his jacket, one I knew was made from the Basilisk he slayed. A proud moment seeing as the King of serpents was wreaking havoc throughout my land and well, in short, was one hard mother fucker to kill. This was because he had the power to cause death with a single glance and therefore had to be fought blind. But then, my Šeš wasn’t without his own skills. Meaning that after many had failed to bring the reptilian looking King to heel, he decided to take matters into his own hands. It was only one of the many reasons he was fit to rule in my

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