Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,37

absence, as he was never afraid to get his hands dirty to do what needed to be done.

He sat back down, now choosing a smaller throne that was situated next to the horned one fit for that of the Vampire King. I would have rolled my eyes at the theatrics of it all, not giving two shits about where the fuck he sat. However, he knew as well as I did that this pretence was needed, for fear was the only thing that kept my kingdom in line down here. But then I guess the same could be said for the mortal world, as take Adam for instance. He was rarely able to be himself in front of me when others were around, being more of a brother to me than anything else. For there were few who knew the real foundations of our friendship, and looking at my second in command right now well, there were even fewer knew who he really was to me.

It was easier that way.

Fuck but not even Dominic Draven knew who he really was, and I had spent most of my years on mortal soil as his right hand man, being to him what Adam was to me. We had once been friends before we were each other’s greatest enemy. As for now…Gods, but seeing as he now knew I was fucking his daughter, then really, who the fuck really knew what was going on in his mind. I was still expecting the brutal bastard to try and kill me when I least expected it. In fact, if it hadn’t been that his wife’s life was tied to my own, then I knew he would have tried long ago despite killing a whole race of demonic life.

But emphasis on the word tied, for after the Triple Goddess ritual, and Malphas’ failure on becoming a God, then we were evenly matched. Even if I hadn’t been the only one with the power to manipulate his mind, our fates had made us equals for a reason.

My second’s voice brought me back to the reason I was here.

“They are trying to sort out that mess between the rooted soul breeders and Arachne and her army…again,” he said sighing in reply to my answer, and even I had to roll my eyes at the hundred-year-old feud between the neighbouring forest lands. But then this was Arachne we were discussing and let’s just say the Spider Queen was a title she granted herself. For she only ruled over those she created, her own children.

The two forests were on the border of my realm and therefore it was my responsibility to keep it in check, for their war often seeped out into my lands and involved my people. Arachne had once been a mortal and was the daughter of Idmon. She was said to be the most talented tapestry maker and foolishly, to hold the claim, challenged Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Crafts to a weaving contest. But that was her downfall for no one challenged the Gods without repercussions and hers ended up costing more than just her mortal life.

This was because when Athena found no flaws in her work the Goddess became enraged, as their egos were everything to them. To be worshipped was what gave a God their power and when one was beaten by a mortal, then that worship always slipped a little, meaning Athena had to make an example out of her to keep her worship intact. Doing so even if it was done through the strength of fear. Because some Gods may reside in Heaven but not all are heavenly and pure. After all, Hell wasn’t the only place that used fear as a means of control.

Fucking hypocrites the lot of them!

The Goddess beat her in front of everyone who had once been in awe of her talent and cursed her. Arachne hung herself out of shame and upon her sinful death, the curse transformed her mortal body, forever imprisoning her in the body of a demonic spider she had no hope of ever escaping from. Instead, she was forced to become a breeder for the creature she was given to and as a result, found herself being impregnated every day of her damned eternal life.

In a nutshell, this meant that it was no wonder she was constantly pissed at the world. But the lesson was delivered loud and clear, becoming a cautionary tale in warning mortals not to place themselves on an equal

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