EVIL VILLAIN (The Royal Court #3) - Rebel Hart Page 0,99

his head against several walls as he pulled him out.

Any men that had attacked us were given pardons because, if there was anything The Royal Court had learned, it was how Connor’s influence could make you do things you wouldn’t otherwise do. An ambulance arrived to patch up Nathan and anyone else who had gotten injured, then we finally limped ourselves back to the clubhouse.

“I mean, our story sounds WAY cooler,” Colette said. “We fought like fifty guys between us.”

Alistair pinched the bridge of his nose. “It was like eight.”

“No, it was definitely at least fifty,” Avery said, then winked at Colette.

We all collapsed onto different couches, leaning against our significant others, apart from Sicily who leaned against a table leg and said, “Aw, babe. You worried too much. See? I'm fine.”

“So what now?” Brayden said. “We don’t have to save any kidnapped friends or stop any psychotic dads. What do we do with our time?”

Sicily raised a hand. “I say everyone works together to find Sicily his dream girl.”

“Work together? I'd rather compete,” I said.

Nathan pointed across at me. “Now that sounds like fun.”



Just when I thought I’d finally tired Cherri out, she rolled over and got on top of me. She looked so beautiful in the morning sunlight that I was relatively powerless to do anything to stop her. If a girl that looked like Cherri wanted more, how could I not give her more?

“Good god,” I said. “Someone ate their wheaties this morning.”

She reached down and curled a hand around my length and began stroking it to bring it back to full size. “What can I say? You asked me what I wanted for my birthday. This is what I want.”

“This feels more like a birthday present for me,” I said.

Cherri giggled. “Happy birthday to you then.”

She was just bending over to kiss me when there was a knock on the door. “Enough already! There are more people that want to celebrate you, you know!” Colette screeched.

“Yeah, Cherri, come on out! We've got presents!”

Cherri looked down at me with a frown and I tapped her ass a couple of times. “Don’t make such a frustrated face. They put in a lot of work. Besides, we can pick up from where we left off later,” I said. “Maybe with the handcuffs?”

"Ooh, on you or me?" she asked.

I sat up to kiss her. “However you want it, baby.”

Cherri squeaked with happiness. “Deal.” She finally climbed down off of me, grabbing the blanket to wrap around herself, then she went over to the bedroom door and cracked it. “This better be good. You just interrupted some amazing fucking sex.”

“It will be. Just get dressed and come downstairs,” Avery replied.

I heard a party horn, then a rain of glitter burst through the door and sprinkled down over Cherri. She laughed and closed the door and I couldn’t help but stare at her a little bit.

“Nope, no. Don't look at me that way. You were the one who convinced me to stop, so just avert your eyes.”

“Why did we stop again?” I crossed the room towards her. “I can't remember.”

“It’s because we have a whole fucking party planned!” Nikita screeched, then there was a hard bang on the door. “Knock it off and get down here!”

Cherri and I shared a silent chuckle, then I yelled, “Alright, we're coming!”

I pecked Cherri on the cheek and then turned my back to her before I really did lose my resolve and drag her back to bed.

We took separate showers for obvious reasons, and then each got dressed and went downstairs. At the bottom, I clasped my hands over Cherri’s eyes and guided her outside and down the path to the pool. The entire area was decorated with lime, pink, and sky-blue balloons and streamers, and the pool had been adorned with brand new floaties to match the color scheme. I smiled at some of the faces standing around, and the table piled high with presents. It made me feel guilty for monopolizing so much of Cherri’s time that morning.

Finally, I pulled my hands from around her eyes and everyone screamed, “Surprise!”

Cherri’s hands came up to her mouth. “Oh wow!”

Cherri’s mom, dad, and brother were standing near the shallow end of the pool, each with hats on and horns in their mouths which they were blowing excitedly. Back by the bar, Felicity, Anisa, Cobalt, and my mom were standing, with drinks in their hands that they held up to cheers to Cherri. Standing closest to us

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