EVIL VILLAIN (The Royal Court #3) - Rebel Hart Page 0,98

me, Nathan shifted and started trying to get to his feet. My one attempt to hold him down failed, so I braced an arm under him and got him to his feet instead.

“I have all those videos,” Nathan said. “Each one of you who has been blackmailed into working for my father, I hold the key to deleting any sensitive information for good.”

“He's lying,” Connor said. “I’ll prove it to you.”

He grabbed a remote from his desk and turned on the television hanging on the wall behind it. He pressed a few buttons, navigating to a folder on the smart TV, and pressed it, but the second he did, an alarm started to blare from the TV.

I smiled as Sicily's face appeared on the screen. “Oh, hey. If you’re seein’ this, you been Sis-hacked.” He started to snicker. “Sis-hacked. That’s good stuff.”

“No!” Connor yelped. He backed out and pressed the folder button again.

“Oh, hey. If you’re seein’ this—”

He tried over and over, each time getting Sicily’s dumb grin.

“My dad doesn’t have any power over you anymore,” Nathan said.

Deon glared at Connor. “Just like he doesn't have any power over us.”

“You see, Dad,” Nathan said, stepping away from my hold. “You taught me my most important lesson. You’re only as powerful as what you have to offer.” The three men stepped away from Connor and turned to face him instead. “And you have nothing.”

Nikita came running back into the room via the back door with Jaxon behind her, but stopped short when she saw that the tables had turned.

“Tell me, Connor, did you know that you can legally be reported missing, if you’re absent for six or more months?” Deon asked, and any smugness Connor had left evaporated from his face. “In order to protect any abandoned family members, assets are adjourned to the next of kin. Crazy, right?”

I smiled at Deon’s arrogance. So that was where he got the money.

“Your company, assets, estate, and even your offshore accounts are now held in our names,” Nathan said. “You don't even have the money to pay these men.” He pulled some cash from his pocket and held it up. “But I do.”

The men pulled their guns instantly, but this time trained them on Connor. Nathan and Deon stepped forward, so Nikita and I followed as well. Nikita snatched Connor’s gun from his hands, and I clocked him in the face, sending him down to the ground. After years of his torment, it felt good.

“Now here's what we're gonna do, dad,” Nathan hissed. “You’re going to prepare a few directives. One will keep all of your assets in our names. One will inform Garrett Williams’ legal counsel that you were fraudulent in violating his parole. The last will inform a judge that you framed Deon for murder… Twice. You will call for his record to be totally expunged and then you will willingly hand yourself over to law enforcement, by which I mean, you’ll surrender when we bring you there.”

“You can just kill me if that’s your plan,” Connor said. “I would never.”

“Very well, then we’ll draft some directives of our own,” Nathan said. “First, we will liquidate L.C.E., second, we will sell your estate, and third, we will donate any money to a charity.”

“And I'll burn your fucking business degree out of spite,” Deon snipped.

“Everything you worked for will go up in smoke, and we’ll keep you alive just long enough to watch it all happen.”

“Then we’ll auction off putting a bullet in your brain to the highest bidder and live off of that,” Deon said.

“Whoa!” Nathan said. “You are most certainly the brawn to my brain. That’s sick. I love it.”

“Seems like your boys do take after you, Connor,” Nikita said. “If you don’t want a very nasty taste of your own medicine, I suggest you comply.”

The look on Connor’s face was so satisfying, it required a picture, so I took one. When Deon and Nathan realized what I was doing, they jumped behind him and posed like they were taking a silly photo with a buddy from Spring Break.

It was glorious.

After that, Connor was shoved down into his desk and furiously scribbled out the directives Nathan had demanded. Eventually, the rest of The Royal Court entered the office. We watched as the man who had tormented us for years was finally punished for what he had done. Once he was done with the orders, Anisa and Cobalt dragged him off, and it was a delight to see Cobalt accidentally smack

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