Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,90

it will always be slower, than a normal human and you will be just like William.” He reassured me.

I sat back and listened to them talk and got my mind ready to deal with the whole coming home thing.

Chapter 11


The next few hours we spent traveling home, the weather held long enough for us to make it, before it started to snow again. Another storm was moving in, so we were very lucky to get back before it hit. I slept most of the way on Will’s shoulder. Will, Doc, and Pratt informed me of the plan on the way to the airport. It was pretty simple.

Pratt or Doc would see me every day, posing the visits as “house calls”. I was to make weekly visits to Doc’s office at the hospital, to keep up the front we needed to keep dad and Sara from getting suspicious. If I had problems, I was to call Doc anytime day or night and he would come over or meet me at the hospital emergency room himself.

Libby had been placed as my home care nurse, which wasn’t hard to do since dad had one hired for me after the Frat party incident. Dad had already had her room prepared for our visit, and he told Doc it was a very good idea to have a nurse there at the house. It was all simply a precaution, in case I got sick again.

I would stay at home for the holidays, and then return to the coven house in Cambridge. Dad would think I was going back to the treatment center in Maine. Doc would keep him posted on my recovery, as usual. Once I was recovered enough, Pratt wanted me to come to France to his coven home.

Once there, he would give me the final dose of vamp venom, in his laboratory in a highly controlled environment. This was to ensure complete success. I was pretty excited to be going out of the country. I had never been outside the U.S before.

The next thing to happen was up to me. I decided I would tell dad when the time came to go to France that I was going to study abroad. It was very normal for students to spend a semester in other countries to further their studies. I didn’t think he would question what I was going to do; at least I hoped he wouldn’t.

Doc would reassure dad I was well enough to go, and we would be all set. I figure that nasty skunk Sara would be happy to see me out of her hair for at least half a year! She was always trying to get rid of me. This would be just what she wanted, and I wouldn’t have to deal with her for a while.

The airport was packed, when we arrived. The incoming storm was already delaying flights, most people looked pissed. I held Will’s hand tightly as we got off the plane onto the connector to the terminal. Doc and Libby followed. Lydia was not far behind with Andrew at her side. Pratt, Emma, and Will’s cousins were all on the next flight, it would appear too odd if all of us flew in together.

I saw dad and Sara right away, standing next to a group of angry foreign executives complaining about their flights cancellation. Dad headed toward Will and me, he did seem a bit surprised to see Will at my side, but the happy smile never faded as he looked at me. Sara followed dutifully behind him, a weak and no doubt fake smile plastered on her too red lips. She looked like the Avon lady attacked her in the Airport bathroom or something.

“I’m so happy your home,” says dad. He pulls me into his arms, he smells like a Cuban cigar and old spice. I was sent back to my childhood by that scent. I would forever think of him whenever I smelled either one, funny how that is.

“Good to see you to dad!” I hugged him back feeling like I was seven years old again. “You too Sara, it’s good to see you.” I lied of course, it sounded good anyway, and dad was big on manners and being kind to others. I did it for him.

“Yes, lovely to see you Corrine dear, you look wonderful!” I could see her narrow her brown eyes looking me over head to toe, then she eyed Will too, but for another reason.

“Will, so good to see you

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