Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,89

the top of it lovingly. “Are you ready to go home?”

“Sort… of I guess. I am kind of scared what if I start to get sick once I get there. I’m afraid dad or Sara might suspect something and call another doctor.” I bit my lower lip, so frustrated and worried I might blow it. We both knew how no other doctor could ever examine me, under no circumstances what so ever. My vital signs were so far from normal, it would cause a major uproar in the human world. The coven could be exposed, and Doc and Pratt’s careers would be over.

“They won’t Corrine, Doc and Pratt, are going to make sure that has no chance of happening. Nobody’s going to know you’re changing but us, precautions have been set into place to prevent anything like that happening.”

“I hope you’re right. I just know how damn nosy Sara is. I don’t like how she noses around and she was acting weird when she was here, as if she knew something was odd. I know if anybody is going to cause trouble or try to figure out stuff, it’s going to be her. I also hate how she looked at me when Doc said I was recovering and was going to be ok.” I looked down feeling suddenly sad. Will frowned, and leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“That worries me too actually. I need to keep an eye on her; the way she acts is strange. I feel she has a reason for being un happy about your recovery.”

“You do?” I was a bit shocked to hear him say that.

“Money… Corrine, we all know she’s a gold digger.” He said in a hushed voice. “You are the sole heir to your father’s millions and she knows that.”

“They have a pre nuptial agreement, I think or something.” I scanned Will’s face and he seemed suddenly very tense.

“No… Corrine, they do not and frankly, I was shocked to learn this. Riley, being the computer whiz that he his, hacked your dads files. We found out they had no agreement at all. I couldn’t believe that since, your dad is such a brilliant business man.”

“Hacked his files?” I was the one uneasy now.

“I hope you’re not mad, but Doc asked him to do it, he felt Sara was a threat and Pratt heard some of her thoughts. I tried to get him to tell me what he heard from her mind, but he refused. I will tell you this; it must have been dangerous enough to make Doc have us investigate your dad and Sara’s situation.”

“Oh, well I’m not mad. I’m glad really, that everyone’s watching out for you and me too. I will try to stay away from her while I’m home then. It’s not like we’re going to bond anyway, she’s too weird.”

“I will be with you as much as I can. Libby will be set up as your home care nurse. That will justify you having a coven member near you, and guarding you at all times.”

“I really don’t think she will try to hurt me, she’s just a stupid air head.” I smirked shaking my head.

“That’s probably exactly what she wants you to think, just be on your guard around her ok, for me?” He gave me a heart melting grin and a wink.

“Ok, ok I will watch it around her. I promise, you worry wart.” I laughed.

Dr. Pratt came over to us just then. I was glad I hated talking about psycho Sara. The last thing I wanted to think about was how weird she was going to act when I got home. If I had my way, I would send her away on some vacation to a third world country while I was home.

“You look wonderful this morning!” Pratt said with a smile, as he looked me over. Doc followed him, he too looked very happy.

“You do look lovely, vampirism agrees with you Corrine.” He smiled warmly at me. Pratt took my wrist and felt my pulse. I was use to that; one of them was always checking my heart rate.

“Very good, your pulse is very strong and steady and not racing any longer. I believe the serum is doing an exceptional job,” says Pratt. “Very good.”

“Will my heart become like Williams, then when the change is complete?” It always worried me that he and I might not be alike after this was all done.

“You will be fine, remember you will always have a heart rate, but

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