Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,84

few months; he made himself fit in even with my friends. It was not unusual for him to play basketball with us, or shoot pool Saturday nights at the local dance hall. He didn’t look much older than all of us really, so it never looked odd. The only odd things I had heard rumors about at that time actually, were about Doc.” He laughed softly.

“Doc? You have to be kidding me!” I was shocked, as Doc seemed to be a master at disguise from all humans.

“No really, because of his perfect skills as a doctor and surgeon, people back then speculated he had magical powers, or he was super human. In those times people were really suspicious of others who were gifted or extremely intelligent, they cried black magic or witchcraft most often. I had met Doc at a very young age. He was one of my father’s friends, as my dad was a doctor as well, but just a family doctor not a surgeon like Doc.

Doc always talked to me, and when I needed advice about life or my future he always lent me his ear. My dad was pretty short tempered, and critical of my thoughts and opinions so having Doc around was a lot of help for me. I had heard the stories about Doc’s old white plantation house in the back bayou’s and how kids dared each other to sneak back there.”

“What did people think was going on there?” I scooted back under my covers, as the wind outside howled, blowing the snow around in swirls.

“I don’t know for sure what they thought, just that it was odd he lived so far out, and he had a lot of extended family living with him. Those were coven members of course, but they posed as family much like we still do today. I think more of them lived there though back then. It’s funny really because despite the rumors of what Doc “was” or might be, and so on, when people got sick, they called for Doc every time.

Many people refused to be treated by any other Doctors and would only see Doc when ill.” Will took a deep breath before he continued, he squeezed my hand gently and stared lovingly into my eyes, being sure not to stare to long though, or he would put me in a trance as all vamps could do.

“I remember the night it happened like it was only yesterday. Vincent had asked me to come help him move one weekend, it was late winter like it is right now. It was not too cold being in New Orleans, but we did get freakish ice storms once in awhile. One hit earlier that week, so it was still a bit cold and slick.

Vincent said he had some furniture in storage in an old warehouse, in the industrial side of town. I again thought nothing of it, people used a lot of the old abandon warehouses for storage, and they were rented out all the time, by the shipyards. The ware houses were next to the river and in pre civil war day’s the cotton taken from the plantations in the area was shipped out down there.

It was a bad area then, lots of crime not a really good place to hang out, so I was not familiar with the place at all. It was very dark and desolate. I remember feeling strange being there, must have been my inner sense trying to warn me I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders and shakes his head. I patted his arm.

“You couldn’t have known Will.” I said reassuringly.

“No, I never could have imagined what kind of monster he was, not in a million years! He was on time that night, and showed me the building we would be going into, it was about a seven story’s a really dark place. I just wanted to move whatever he wanted and get out of there, and fast. I got more uncomfortable when he showed up alone.

If we were moving furniture, we would need more than the two of us. I kept thinking to myself the whole time. He led me upstairs, it must have been like a thousand steps to the top floor, and he seemed to glide up them all with no effort. I do remember thinking that was really odd.

Vincent opened the door, and it was very dark, only lit by candles. Back then, electricity was not in those buildings. They were so old

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