Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,83

lot about each other right?” I was starting to re think this. I didn’t want to upset him; he seemed to be in such a good mood today.

“Uh… yeah, I believe so.” He gave me a puzzled look.

“Well, I was sort of wondering here lately about, well…” I felt weird asking now but decided to just put it out there, if he didn’t want to talk about it that was ok. “Uh how you came to be a vampire, the whole story.” He looked a bit out of sorts, obviously caught off guard by my question. He focused on one of the roses and ran his finger across the blood red petal.

“Doc didn’t tell you?” He did not make eye contact as he spoke, I was afraid I had ticked him off now.

“No, he and your mom both said it was your story, and you should be the one to tell me about it.” I bit my lower lip waiting for him to tell me not to ask or to go away or something.

“Oh.” He walked over to the big bay window, his back facing me as he stared outside, he crossed his arms. I waited for a few minutes as he was thinking. I didn’t say a word.

“It’s not much of a story really.”

“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked, you don’t have to tell me anything, just forget I brought it up.” I looked down feeling like crap for making him think about that painful part of his past. It wasn’t like enough bad stuff was already going on, with me being sick.

“No…no it’s ok really. I was just thinking about it there for a minute, you should know. You shared all the painful parts of your past with me. I want you to know everything about me too.” He turned slowly and walked over to me he gently ran his finger down my cheek, and smiled lovingly at me. “I always want to share everything with you Corrine, forever I love you never be afraid to ask me anything ok?”

“Ok,” I blushed a bit. I don’t know why I thought he might get mad at me for asking, this was my William I was talking about, not a regular guy. I figured it was a flash back to my totally dysfunctional relationship that I had with psychopath Todd that made me think it was wrong to ask.

To this very day, Will had never gotten mad at me or even short tempered. He did with others once in awhile, but even when I was grumpy, he was loving and kind to me. He sat next to me on the edge of the bed and began to tell me his story. He seemed tense, so I knew the circumstances and details about his change to a vampire had to be hard for him to talk about.

“It happened when I had just turned nineteen, and I was going to start college that fall. I had been preparing to start my studies in medicine to become a doctor. I had just turned nineteen one month before I first met Vincent. I had seen him before in town he seemed to be a normal guy. I never heard anything strange about him or anything, he just seemed pretty pale, but that really wasn’t too odd to me.

I was going to a small college, just outside New Orleans, back in those day’s there was not so many to choose from, as it is now. Vincent worked at the College, or he made it appear like that to me. I went with my father for enrollment, and he was there. He even introduced himself to my father on the campus tour. I should have got suspicious when he didn’t talk to any of the other parents, just my dad and me.

I was young and way too trusting back then to have realized I was in danger. Vincent was kind to me, but also seemed very interested in my family’s history. I had to tell him who my birth mother was, he swore we had family in common, and that’s how he got me to tell him all the details. I know of course he was making sure I was in fact Lydia Darcy’s biological son, the one he was looking for.”

Will seemed tired suddenly, that worried me, but I figured he was just upset recalling all this and so on. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

“We became good friends in the next

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