Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,8

into my mind. I suddenly see Todd’s face. I can even feel his hot breath on my neck again. It’s all too real. I begin to cry in fear. I can’t breathe. I feel like my heart is going to explode. I roll and twist in my bed sheets, fighting him.

I wake up covered in sweat, screaming out for help. I feel Gram’s warm comforting arms around me. Her room is next to mine so she always rushes to me when I have bad nights. I bury my head into her shoulder, her comforting smell of lavender and rose perfume soothes me. I begin to catch my breath, realizing it was all just another nightmare.

Chapter 2


Gram holds my face in her small wrinkled hands, looking into my eyes. “Corrine, its okay child. I’m here I’ve got you.” She pushes the hair out of my eyes and kisses my forehead softly. “Was it the nightmare again, my sweetheart?” I nod and go back to hugging her; she rubs my back and sighs. “Shhhh all will be well. I have seen it and you will be fine.”

Gram is very special. She is eighty-six years old and a fifth- generation Cherokee medicine woman, of course she’s not in a tribe. She has Indian in her from my mother’s side of the family but she doesn’t look like it at all. The people in our town who know her gifts come to her for help faithfully. Gram’s father was Irish so she really doesn’t look Indian, more like me really but a lot older and with darker skin.

I grew up with her always watching me very closely. She has what the Indians call the gift of visions or sight. That is a person who can glimpse the futures of others. Sara use to call it witchcraft, but she was just upset when she met Gram years ago. I think she thought that Gram might see she was a real gold digger and tell everybody. I knew Gram had grown up on a real Indian reservation out west. Her ancestors had taught her how to use her gifts of healing and visions to help others.

I had seen the many herbs and potions in her room and she often went to people’s homes to help them with minor health problems. She was very trusted. I trusted her but I was having a hard time thinking Gram’s vision of me being “just fine” were really true. I knew she was very rarely wrong. I knew I shouldn’t doubt her but I was and I couldn’t help it. I didn’t think I was ever going to be fine again.

“What do you see?” I whispered still clinging to her.

“It is not so very clear yet.” She pauses trying to gather her thoughts. “He’s very handsome, goodness he is. I can see him better now.” She smiles.

“Him? It’s a guy you see!” I gasped in shock. “A guy, oh no way!” I pull away, my hair sticking up all over. “If it’s a guy, count me out. I don’t want anything to do with any guys, Gram, not ever. No way.” Gram takes my face into her hands gently. They are ice cold now.

“He will be your protector, child. He will be in your life very soon and no one will ever harm you again as long as he is alive. He will love you to the very depths of your soul.” She was not kidding, her eyes locked on mine. I knew she meant every word she said.

“No Gram, you know that kind of stuff love and all that.” I wipe my eyes. “That’s all over for me. I cannot think of dating anyone.” I take a deep shuddering breath. “I just can’t, it’s too hard.” Gram only smiles. She is not done with her vision yet. I can tell as she closes her eyes.

I watch her, waiting to hear what she is seeing and hoping it has nothing to do with any more guys. “Gram, what is it?” I pull my comforter around me as I catch a chill. I almost don’t want to hear what she’s going to say. The mere thought of dating anyone freaked me out.

“He’s different. Very different, but kind and pure in heart.” Her brow wrinkles. “But I can’t see what makes him so different just yet. I see he’s extremely strong.” She smiles now opening her eyes. “I see that once you meet he will never leave your side.” She laughs quietly.

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