Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,46

it not?”

“Of course.” I rolled my eyes. I could never stay mad at him for long it was not possible. A stone bench was coming up, and I steered us toward it; my stupid hip was starting to ache.

“You need to sit for a minute.” I didn’t argue. He could see it in my eyes and my stiff movements, the walk had been too long.

“Do you see me, William?” I asked softly trying to control the fact I suddenly felt so angry, weak, and different from him. He smiled, looking a bit confused; he tilted his head as he looked at me.

“Of course I see you.” He ran a finger along my cheek. “Lovely as usual.” I leaned into his touch, always mesmerized by him.

“Yes… but do you see how weak I am compared to you?” I studied a small rosebud not yet opened by the spring sunshine. “Like that stupid rosebud there, when it’s done blooming, it will shrivel up and die!” I threw up my hands. “Just like I too will get old, shrivel up and die.” I could see I struck a nerve with him. He flinched when I said the word “die”; he did not like the sound of that. I watched him as a disapproving frown slid across his perfect face. He knew where this was going.

“Every day I get better, you keep saying that, but don’t you see every day I also get closer to dying?” I could feel my heart race now, as I got mad. “I’m getting older every day and you are not. I will die William, and you will still be here.” I didn’t look into his eyes as I fumed. I could see him nodding in silent agreement with my lecture. I could see him shift uncomfortably, not happy with this conversation.

“I don’t understand what you want me to say about it, Corrine.” His voice was low, soft, and extremely controlled unlike mine. “I cannot change myself to be fully human, and you will never know how badly I want to.” He looked away, overcome with emotions. “If I could grow old and wrinkled with you.” He shook his head. “Then by God, I would in a heartbeat, never question me on that! I have never been given a choice on what I am you know this. I just have to deal with what I am the best way I can. I love you to the depths of what little bit of soul I’m still lucky enough have, and cannot live without you.” I could see the torment in his eyes. He was in agony over our difference, and I just had not seen it until now.

“But I have a choice, William.” I took a deep breath as he looked up straight into my eyes.

“What are you talking about?” He narrowed his eyes, as he realized what I was getting at. “Corrine no. I could never do that to you, it would be wrong on so many levels!” I hated that he caught on so fast; I needed time to convince him of my idea.

“Why? You love me, don’t you?” I grabbed his hand, placing it on my chest so he could feel my heart beating. “This will stop someday, Will, and when it does I will be gone from you forever. We will be no more.” He sighed as he rubbed his forehead in frustration.

“I could not kill you. Corrine, that’s basically what I would be doing, you just don’t understand.” I could feel the anger welling up inside me now like a volcano about to explode. “You wouldn’t be a half blooded vampire it’s extremely rare, if you even survived the whole thing.”

The anger in me was so strong now; did he not want me forever? I couldn’t believe he was saying this. Did he not want me with him always? I had to grip the bench. I was overcome with so many emotions. I didn’t care if I was just like him, I just didn’t want to die.

“What is this then, am I just on your list of amusements for a few decades. If I am really lucky. Then when you tire of me or I am too old and crappy looking, or maybe even dead you move on to somebody new? I don’t get it. Maybe you can help me understand what your deal is. I wonder are you going to keep playing hero and saving my life every other day.” He winced at my

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