Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,45

at Will. He already knew what I was thinking.

“They’re still searching for him.” He frowned. “I promise you. He will be caught, and he will pay for all he’s done to you.” I didn’t push him for details. Todd no had chance hiding from a coven of pissed off vampires. The cousins would enjoy hunting him down. I had heard Roth joke about it many times when they visited me.

Chapter 19


Recovery was long and extremely painful. I hated being in this position again, like after my accident at the river. I had not realized how badly Todd had hurt me. I spent two weeks in the hospital. William was with me nearly all the time. When he wasn’t he was with his cousins trying to find Todd. Will was an angel. He brought me flowers each day and sneaked in any fast food I wanted and tried to entertain me. I got to know Doc better too. He was an extremely handsome older man. I should have expected that, all of Will’s family was like that.

I felt safe around him, and he was very attentive on my medical care. I knew he had ordered another brain scan for the week after I got home. I was hoping he would forget. I had so many tests I just wanted a break, no doctors, no pills. It was all too much. I wanted a normal life again. I was beginning to think I would never be normal again.

I was afraid to go home a little bit, the old panicky me seemed to be resurfacing even though Will was watching over me. To my relief, Dad moved my room to the other end of the house and had it redecorated. I could not even bear to go down the hall near my old room anymore. The many things that changed at home included a full time security guard and cameras. I had deadbolts on my bedroom door. I felt safe, but the fact Todd was still free nagged me. I worried he might return and catch me alone again somehow, and this time he would finish me off.

Chapter 20

The Great Difference

William spent many afternoons with me. He only slept three or four hours at a time at night, so he was always watching over me. The weather was improving not that it was late spring. I loved to get out into the gardens and walk. The problem with that was I had to use a stupid cane now. I had severely damaged my hip at some time when Todd attacked me.

The result was physical therapy and continuous use of the cane to lessen the pressure on my injured hip. I hated it; it made me feel old and feeble, and even more vulnerable to just about anything. I never really thought about the whole major difference with me and Will till now either. I guess using a cane to get around makes you think of how it would be to really be old.

Will would forever be young, beautiful, and alive or however you want to say it. I on the other hand, was prone to injury and death, not to mention wrinkles. I tried not to think of it today, as we walked (I hobbled) in the rose gardens. Will was here to cheer me up, and all I could think of was my aging body walking next to his, not walking very gracefully, I might add.

The trees were blooming and the flowers just had a few hints of new buds forming. I took a deep breath, trying to improve my mood as we walked very slowly down the path. William was careful to walk slowly for me, his intense blue eyes watching me for any signs of pain.

“We don’t need to go too far,” he warned me, holding my hand and smiling. I felt like he was waiting for me to collapse any time now.

“Oh Will, would you stop treating me like I’m an old woman. I can walk, you know!” I fumed as he stopped, staring at me. “It’s not like I’m ninety or something. I can get around despite this damn cane!”

“Well hell, I’m one hundred and fifteen, what are you talking about?” He flashed a smile at me, and I had to laugh.

“Oh shut up, you old man.” I smiled at him. He could only laugh, giving me a boyish grin that melted my heart. “You’re impossible, you do realize that.”

“Indeed I am. That’s why you adore me, is

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