Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,25

never doubt that.” He grabbed Todd by the neck. He choked at the force of his grip. “I will kill you if you ever come near Corrine again. I will hunt you down and tear you apart, a worse death you could never imagine in that pea-sized brain of yours. I am something you cannot even comprehend, the worst kind of thing.”

William leaned in closer to Todd. “I am something your kind fears, the worst kind of thing that you can comprehend. Killing you would only bring me pleasure.” I grabbed onto the door in shock. Will had said the last sentence in a whisper. He had clearly not intended for me to hear I’m sure, but I did. I gasped wondering why he said that. What did he even mean, by saying he was (something your kind fears?)

“William.” I croaked, my voice failing. I felt my knees going weak and the room was starting to spin. I slipped down the wall to the floor.

“You win this time freak, but I don’t give up. This isn’t over man…” Todd yelled running from William as fast as he could, stumbling over a hedgerow. He was as pale as a ghost with fear. He didn’t look back after that, he just ran like a mad man.

“What is it, love?” Will knelt to my side rubbing my back.

“I… feel sick.” I whispered, my head still aching. “Take me home please.” He swiftly picked me up and carried me out of the lecture hall to his car. I closed my eyes inhaling his cologne, trying to forget the menacing words I had just heard him speak.

Chapter 10

The Dark Truth

I did my best to forget the incident with Todd, but the police definitely did not. He was placed into the county lock up for a few weeks, for breaking his house arrest. His father used his massive bank account, and heavy connections in the political world to get Todd put back on house arrest exactly three weeks later. The court date was coming near and my father’s attorneys swore they would get him jail time. I prayed they were right.

It was now February and the heavy gray overcast sky spit snow out like a machine, drawing out kids and kids at heart to romp in its winter magic. William and I had decided to go sledding along with the other half of our town. William’s cousins tagged along, all five of them.

I was amazed at his gene pool. All five were super handsome but not better looking than William of course. The one thing I noticed first off was they all had this amazing ivory skin most models would die for. They were all pale unlike Will; his warm skin tone was different from theirs.

The two closest to our age were Roth and Taylor. I had Roth in my history class and Taylor was in my economics class. Roth was Will’s height with dark brown hair. Taylor had blond hair cut in a spiky style, and he was a bit shorter. His other cousins were Kyle and Sam they were twins, both with wavy sandy blond hair and amazing green eyes. I could not tell them apart since they were identical twins. Riley was the youngest cousin. He was sixteen, and had black hair like Will. He also seemed to follow Will a lot. He looked up to him, that I could tell right away.

Will and Roth started a major snowball fight. Taylor and Kyle were cheating using their sleds as shields. I took cover behind Will’s sled. Riley was on our side with Roth; we all were half frozen before Taylor and Kyle surrendered. The snow was falling harder as we all started sledding. The hill we were at was the best sledding hill in Cambridge.

I smiled watching Will and his cousins acting like ten-year-old boys. They were all so adorable, rough- housing in the snow. His cousins had to leave a short time later. Will and I decided to stay and sled longer. It was nice to do something simple, and not think about Todd or the upcoming court date.

I was starting to get cold; I pulled my coat up around my neck, pulling my hat tighter around my frozen ears.

“Are you cold?” Will asked as he took my gloved hand into his.

“I’m okay.” I chattered, unable to hide my shaking hands. Heck, I would turn into a human Popsicle to be here with Will, cold be damned. He pulled my scarf gently,

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