Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,175

nearly fully changed into a half blood just as he is, it’s not possible.” Doc seemed shocked that I even offered to give Will my blood.

“Nearly,” I basically yelled back. Will was running out of time and I was not letting him die. “I’m not fully changed, Pratt told me. I still need a small dose of venom to become a true half blood!” Pratt looked at me and took a deep breath, he looked baffled, but not surprised I remembered his words. He looked at Will and then back at me as if trying to decide if it was possible for Will to once again take my blood to survive.

“It… might be possible.” He said his voice tense and his eyes dark and serious. “Come closer Corrine let me check your pulse.”

I moved next to him right away and knelt on the floor to the right of William. Pratt pulled up my shirtsleeve and placed his fingers on my wrist. He then held my wrist to his mouth, closed his eyes, and took a long deep breath. I knew he was seeing if my blood was still human enough to help Will. The elder vamps could smell the difference in a human even without tasting the actual blood, only smelling the skin.

“I’m still sensing you are human, you are very nearly done changing though. I think your blood may still be strong enough to get Will out of this. It is all we can do to let you try; no other humans are near here. We would have to break the coven rules if we go that route and take a human from someplace.”

I swallowed hard trying to fight back the flood of tears in my eyes as I watched Will; he was in horrible pain as Doc held him. “I can save him then?” I asked desperately hoping they would let me try.

“No she can’t.” Will managed to say in a forced whisper. “She’s too weak, I won’t do that to her again!” He was angry as he looked at Doc and Pratt; he had to fight to keep his eyes open.

“Will, its ok. Corrine is nearly fully changed, she is very strong now, and doing this would not hurt her at all. The only thing she needs is a slight bit of venom to push her change into completion. If she gives you her blood, some of your venom will, of course get into her system and help her and her blood will help you.”

“Are you sure about all this Pratt, we must be certain.” Doc asked nervously.

“Yes, trust me, you smell her wrist and tell me what you sense.” He snatched up my wrist, obviously annoyed with Pratt now. Doc took my arm gently, smelled my wrist, and nodded in approval.

“Yes, you are right.”

“Then let’s do this, Will is fading quickly we have not got much time.”

I scooted closer to William, this time Pratt held my small pale wrist next to William’s lips. Will looked up at me sadly; his blue eyes seemed so dark now, a royal blue almost.

“Are you sure?” He whispered.

“Yes Will, you heard Pratt and Doc, you must do this before its too late.” I begged him, tears sliding down my cheeks uncontrollably now.

I knew if this did not work, he would die. Doc would break the coven rules and steal a random human from near here if he had to, but we no longer had time to find one. If my blood was too weak, nothing could be done for William.

“Do it!” I ordered him and sniffed, making myself stop crying. There was not going to be any more negotiation about this, Will could see the steel in my eyes, and that I meant my words. He slowly nodded and looked up at Doc who now held my wrist.

I quickly kissed Williams lips, and whispered I loved you to him. His eyes were closed now; he was too weak to even speak anymore. Doc held my wrist to Wills lips. I felt him kiss it softly before I felt his razor sharp fangs sink deeply into my tender skin. I quickly shoved my hand over my mouth to muffle a cry of pain. Pratt put his arm around me to comfort and keep me from falling over.

“Breath Corrine, it will be ok.” He whispered to me.

I nodded, my eyes squeezed tightly shut, the venom was starting to burn my wrist, but I fought the pain. Suddenly the room began to spin,

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