Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,174

sat next to me and put his arm around me. “Heck, Vincent and Leo were angry with Doc and Lydia long before us; we just were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“I’m just scared, I feel like something’s going to go wrong. I have this bad feeling and I can’t shake it.”

“Don’t worry, were going to be ok.” I saw him take in a deep breath. For a moment, he winced and seemed to be on pain.

“Will, are you ok?” I whispered putting my hand on his arm. He didn’t or couldn’t answer, and that’s when I got scared. He was always quick to tell me all would be well, nothing was going to happen, and he didn’t this time.

“Uh… yeah, I’m ok.” He finally said has he exhaled slowly, he turned his head away from me and closed his eyes, obviously in pain. I knew he was not ok; he was digging his fingers into the bedspread.

“I’m going to call Doc and Pratt.” I said rubbing his arm.

“No I’m fine, just….” He gasped wrapping one arm around his chest and squeezing his eyes closed. I grabbed my cell, knowing it would take me forever to find Doc and Pratt if I ran around this place. It would be faster to call. I dialed and my hands were shaking, as I was afraid to look at the key pad and take my eyes off Will.

“Doc,” my voice shook. Will wasn’t even arguing with me calling now, he couldn’t speak. “Will’s sick, I don’t know what happened please hurry!” I cried, tears filling my eyes. “What is it? Is it your heart, your stomach? What can I do to help you?”

“Help me to the floor.” He gasped, in sheer uncountable agony. I helped him to the floor and on to the thick Persian rug next to my bed. I couldn’t bear to see him like this, it was horrible. I had no idea what was wrong, and no idea how to help him. It was a flash back to the horrid night of the Halloween party, the night we both almost died.

“What can I do?” I begged him.

“Nothing…” he whispered and put his head on to the rug.

“I have to do something, please Will what’s happening to you?” I cried and put my head onto his chest, his breathing was very shallow. I pushed his hair out of his eyes and put my hand onto his cool cheek.

Doc and Pratt nearly broke down the door as I jerked my head up to see them. Sayann was right behind them, with Roth and Lydia following. Doc knelt down next to Will, and I moved so Pratt could get to Will’s left side.

“William, William.” Doc yelled as he gently shook him. He briefly opened his eyes and looked at Doc. “Is it chest pain?”

“Yes.” Will replied weakly. Doc and Pratt looked up at each other, and I knew, they both knew what was wrong with him.

“Why did you not tell me about this Will?” Doc’s face was strained, as he had one hand on William’s wrist checking his pulse. Will took a staggered breath and closed his eyes before he began to speak.

“I thought I could get over on my own.” He gasped and took another shallow breath. “I didn’t want any of you to worry about me.”

“As I thought.” Doc sighed sadly. I sat back onto the floor watching, to afraid to move or speak. I wanted to help Will but I had no idea what to do for him. I worried Doc and Pratt didn’t either.

“Options here Pratt?” Doc asked his voice had a hard edge to it.

“God…well let’s see.” Pratt closed his eyes thinking hard. “He needs human blood, living blood right from the source it’s self. I don’t have any other ideas, its pretty cut and dried as far as the treatment for his condition.” He shook his head as he watched William still struggling to breath.

“It’s even more critical he get fresh human blood now, seeing as he hid his illness from us for quite some time. His body is breaking down, and he’s only going to get worse. I’m afraid he might go into shock or cardiac arrest if this goes on much longer.”

“I’ll do it!” The words flew out of my mouth, it was instinctive. I had to help him no matter what, he was the love of my life, and I would do whatever I had to do for him.

“Corrine you cannot, you’re

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