Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,166

chair. He looked so funny, all 6 feet of him scrunched onto the girly pink bag. He looked like a handsome robber in his black ski jacket, black knit hat and faded jeans and boots. His eyes were locked on Sara’s manufactured chest.

“Shut up idiot!” I heard Will whisper to him, shooting him a dirty look, he smacked Roth in the back of the head playfully.

“What!” Roth whispered loudly.

“You know what, mind your manners!” Will scolded. Whispering in his ear. Gram nearly busted out laughing as she watched them. Dad was talking to Sara about the dinner plans, so they were unaware of the comedy act in our corner of my room.

I noticed Sayann looked peeved as she watched Roth, watching Sara’s 98% fake body in her very inappropriate holiday dress. I had suspected she might have a crush on Roth, ever since I woke up and watched her looking at him. Roth was oblivious to her stares and kind compliments. I decided I would pull him aside and clue him in, that Sayann liked him. I wasn’t one to play matchmaker, but with Roth, some things just had to be pointed out.

We all made small talk while Sara was in the room, she seemed to emanate tension. Dad excused himself not but 15 min later, he never even bothered to make up a reason for leaving, he did tell me he would be back later though. Roth was heading home, he and Sayann went out into the hallway following dad. Gran was all excited, she was going to check on how our Christmas dinner was going, and she had the staff working on it all day.

“Doc and Pratt will be here at 2pm to check up on you Corrine. I forgot Doc called to tell me that early this morning.” Gran added as she headed for the door.

“A house call on Christmas? That’s going to cost us!” Sara sneered, as she wiped her mouth on a Santa clause napkin. Everyone in the room ignored the comment. I was surprised when dad came back in briefly.

“William, I do hope you and your family can join us for dinner this evening?” Dad looked expectantly at Sara daring her to object to his invitation.

“Of course Mr. Whitmore, I’m sure they would love to have dinner with all of you tonight.”

“Very good very good, then we will see all of you here at 6pm?”

“Yes sir we will be here.” Will nodded politely. “Thank you.”

“See you then. Corrine I will be up later dear, when Doc gets here.” He added before he left. I watched Sara glare at his back as he walked out of the room, she did not know I was watching her. Her eyes then fell back on me, enemy no.2.

“You’re looking well today Corrine.” She didn’t smile as she said it. I saw her freeze as she saw the giant diamond on my left finger.

“What on earth is that?” She gasped, grabbing up my hand and inspecting the ring. “Is this a…” she looked at Will than at me in shock. “Engagement ring?”

“Yes” Will said proudly. “I proposed last night and thankfully she said yes!”

“Well goodness, I had no idea you two were so serious. “You all are very young don’t you think thought to be committing yourselves to such an adult thing?” I could see she was practically drooling over my ring, I bet she wanted to rip it off my finger and run. Sara was a major jewelry hound; anything that sparkled drove her insane.

“We feel very confident we are ready for this, but thank you for your concern.” Will said dryly.

“Well a congratulations is in order. I guess we have a wedding to plan don’t we Corrine dear, how exciting!” I was shocked. Sara was seemed actually excited about all this, who knew she was really human….maybe. I saw her eyes light up at the thought of another social event to plan.

“We haven’t set a date yet or anything, were waiting to get the all clear from Doc before we do all that.” I quickly added.

“Oh yes of course, but do let me know when you’re ready to plan, we will go see Lottie Sanders in New York. She is the best wedding planner. I know her well, so unlike everyone else we won’t have to book her a year in advance to get her to do your wedding.”

I wanted to tell her I knew what I wanted, and no uppity social snob was planning the biggest

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