Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,165

eat with us?” He yelled. I shivered as the cold wind blew in, along with some snowflakes. “Oh and Gran saw you, so for future reference try to hide yourself better ok!” I heard Roth yell back he couldn’t help it, and that bacon was his weakness, he would be inside in a minute.

It was cozy as we all sat around my room, eating and talking. Will was quick to announce our engagement, as if they hadn’t seen the massive ring on my finger already. I knew dad had not seen it, as my hands were under the blanket when he came in earlier. Everyone was ecstatic for us; Sayann admired my ring along with Gran.

Roth being… well Roth began to tease Will right away. He referred to me as the ole ball n chain and they teased each other all morning long. Dad came in an hour later; we were all still sitting around talking. To my surprise, he had known all about Will’s intentions to ask me to marry him. I should have known, since Will was old fashioned, he asked dad for permission first to do so.

I found out Will had actually asked him for permission when we were here a few weeks ago, before Todd kidnapped me. I had no idea he had done that. Dad shook Will’s hand and kissed my cheek happily. He seemed very pleased with our engagement.

“My baby is growing up already.” He sighed wistfully.

“Don’t worry Sir; I will look after her you will never have to worry.” Will said confidently.

“William you are a good young man and I trust you will do that.” Dad patted him on the back. “Plus I don’t mind getting a son in law, I couldn’t have asked for a better one I don’t think.”

“Thank you.” Will looked a bit red in the face.

“I think you and Corrine will be very happy together.” He laughed then. “I would really hate to have to shoot you if you if you made her… unhappy.” We all laughed at that, it was dad’s typical odd sense of humor coming out.

“I’d hate that too!” Will agreed quickly, laughing as he grabbed a warm cinnamon roll, it was the last, so Roth gave him a dirty look.

Sara invaded our little gathering only a few minutes later. I should have known she would track us all down sometime today. She was dressed in tight red, dress that made her fake boobs look like they might pop out at any given moment. I remembered when she got them. I was about 10 years old. I was so embarrassed when my friends asked why my step mom was getting all these get well soon flower deliveries when they came over to my house to play.

I told them all she had a rare virus. I had to help wait on her too. Dad had been called out of town at the last minute and asked me if I would help Sara while she recovered. It was a nightmare; she had me doing everything for her.

I was surprised she didn’t have me wipe her stupid butt too! I sat there looking at her knowing the silicone was bobbing around in each side of her chest, it was just gross if you ask me. Gran had told me she got lip injections just a few days before I got home. I began to wonder if any of her parts were real.

I figured the lip thing was for her precious snowflake party that dad had cancelled. Gran said she asked her if a spider bit her mouth or she had a bee sting the day she got home from her plastic surgeon visit. I loved Gran’s nasty little comment she threw at Sara, it was so funny to watch her act all-innocent when she did it.

“Merry Christmas all. So this is where the party is this morning?” She forced a fake smile must be the Botox! I now noticed she had her teethe bleached too, they looked a scary shade of white.

“Just having some breakfast, why don’t you have some.” Dad forced a smile; I knew he was being nice to her because I was in the room.

“Oh it does look good, what a lot of food.” Sara said as she picked up a piece of cantaloupe.

“It does” I heard Roth say very softly, as Will and I sitting next to him were the only ones who heard him say it. He was sting on my Hello Kitty beanbag

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