Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,161

kills you she is confident in herself.” I smiled, direct hit for dad he was really on a roll here.

“If that’s what you want to call it, where I come from it’s being rebellious and unruly, not an individual. I asked her lots of times to go with me to the club or shopping and she blows me off. Like I have the plague or something.”

“Fine, I do agree she shut you out as she got to be a teen, but you never tried to understand her interests. Corrine loves painting and music, and art in general. I do recall you never complimenting her on her artwork. I only recall you telling her to get the paint off her nails, because it would stain them.”

“Well it was only true, she use to care so little for her appearance back then.” She added sarcastically.

“She was only a child for God sakes Sara!” His voice was raised, and he was really getting angry.

“Just stop with all this now, I fully intend to make Corrine’s visit here as happy and pleasant as I possibly can. Doc told me she needs no stress and minimal exposure to lots of people, since she can’t fight off viruses and so on. They will be taking her back to Maine to begin her physical therapy in another week. If all goes well Doc said she might get to come home for the summer, or do the semester of her senior year in France as she always wanted to do.”

“Well, I heard Doc talking to Gran the other day, and he said she is still touch and go as far as her recovery. Is it wise for you to be thinking she is going to be just fine?” The sarcasm in her voice was clear.

“Enough of this talk. I have things to do.” I heard him walk out of the room and slam the door hard behind him.

I had known their marriage was in a rut for a few years now. I really started to see it my freshman year at college, after Todd’s attack. I was home all the time after that of course so it was hard to miss the fighting. I could feel the tension in the room all the time.

I got to the point I avoided them both when they shared the same breathing room. Dad was taking more business trips and working late in the city. I now knew why, he was avoiding her. I blew off their fight and spent an indulgent half hour in the bathtub. I cringed a bit as I thought back to my lowest point in this very room.

I had almost taken my own life right here. I was so lost and lonely then. William had rescued me in many ways that fall day by the river. I never imagined I could find someone like him, and I don’t mean the whole vampire thing either. He was so caring and kind, and loved me with everything he had inside him.

I got out of the bath, and quickly dried off. The room’s always seemed to have a chill; due to the fact, the house was well over 100 years old and very drafty.

I loved this old house though, drafts and all. My mother had chosen it, when he and my dad first got married.

Dad said they were so in love despite the fact it needed well over $97,000.00 in repairs and renovations he bought it the day they looked at it. It made her happy and he had always tried to keep her that way. I hoped to keep the house in our family forever. I knew dad had in his will, all of it went to me, and I would keep it that way.

I put on my pink sheep pj’s and curled up in bed to watch some TV. I knew that outside somewhere one or more of the Followers guarded the house. Leo could not be trusted, and Doc worried he might try to kill or William. They took turns watching for the dark ones, waiting for them to make any moves.

“I like those pajamas.” A smooth low voice made me jump, as I got lost in an old episode of Desperate Housewives.

“Thanks, sheep are in you know!” I smiled at him, as he stood in front of my bed. I never heard him come in the room. The whole vampire thing of just popping in still baffled me. He looked so adorable, in his black turtleneck

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