Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,160

was just me, Gran, dad and Sara. It was a delicious meal, and my roast was very rare. Gran winked at me when she brought out my plate herself. It was so nice to not have to hide what I was becoming from her.

Dinner was rather quiet, Gran had told me earlier dad and Sara had a major fight before they got to the dining room. It seemed to me they were fighting all the time and I had only been home just over a week. I wondered what was going on with them. Gran said they had been at each other all fall, and it had got worse just a month ago.

Dad had been told she was having an affair with her yoga instructor for the last six months. I was not surprised, that would be just like her to do that. I had thought she was messing with her tennis instructor last summer too, and I bet I was right! How many private lessons does one chic need, I mean get real.

It was snowing heavily that evening after supper, it felt so cozy in the house. I wished dad and Gran goodnight. Sara had already gone to her room, thankfully. I wanted to have a hot bubble bath and read.

William was coming over in an hour or so. I made the long trek upstairs and I cursed every step. Sayann would be in my room to help me. Dad had hired her through Doc to be my nurse while I was home this time. I heard voices just down the hall and stopped to listen.

“So you cater to her? She is home for one week and you cancel all our holiday plans? Do you know how long it took me to organize the snowflake ball John?” Sara was ranting from the sitting room at the end of the hall where my room was.

I slipped out of my room and placed and ear to the vent on the floor. This was an old house and most conversations could be heard through the air duct vents in the floors. The voices carried very well. I learned that at an early age when trying to find out what dad and Gran were getting me for Christmas or my birthday.

“Sara don’t be so callous, this year is very special. I was not even sure we would have Corrine still with us, after the diagnosis. Doc said it has been a miracle that she has pulled through. I wanted this holiday to be just us.”

“We have an image to keep us John, we are society, and people expect us to have the big parties and events each year.” She argued.

“No Sara, you have an image to keep up, one you have tailored yourself might I add. I only work to keep up my family business that my Grandfather started. I don’t nor have I ever set out to be the king of east coast society.”

“It’s good for you to net work, and these party’s are perfect for that.” Her voice hit its typical high-pitched squeak; she always did that when she was upset.

“Corrine needs a quiet environment, not a house full of social blood suckers!” He laughed. “Oh those are you friends, sorry I had forgotten.” I was proud of dad he was being a real jerk to her, I loved it!

“You vile man!” Sara hissed. “You jerk!” I was happy he wasn’t letting her run over him. I had watched her for so many years bully him, and boss him around, this was just great.

“I’m a jerk now? Well how refreshing, if protection of my ill only child from too many holiday guests makes me a jerk well then so be it.” He shot back.

“Corrine has just had one of the toughest years of her life. I think she deserves some special treatment and joy right now. You might try to show her some compassion for once Sara. In all the years we have been married, you have acted like Corrine is a house guest that has over stayed her welcome!”

“I have not. I have tried to be close to her but she is just so odd. I can’t relate to her at all.”

“No of course you can’t, because she would never act like your ass kissing socialite friends daughters, now would she. I have seen them at the country club, being paraded around by their mothers, doing just what they are told. Corrine is a free spirit an individual, and it

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