Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,148

will work and she will live and go on to complete the change.”

“Then we must do it, we just have to make sure William knows nothing about it, he would never let us do what we are about to do to Corrine.” Doc went to the door and locked it. “Sayann make sure Will does not come in, call Roth if you must. We are short on time, and can’t have him coming in here causing problems, he is in a bad way mentally he is very un stable.”

“I will do my best Doc.” I cringed as I heard a knock on the door, and I knew it was Will.

“Doc it’s me why is the door locked?” He asked.

“Hang on I will be there in a minute.” Doc yelled to him. “Pratt, we are going to have to tell him, he will break down the door if we try to keep him out!” I knew Doc was right, Will was highly irrational right now, and capable of about anything to protect me.

“I know, I just got a glimpse, he can, and will rip the door off the hinges, if we refuse to let him in, he thinks we are doing something to Corrine that we should not be.” Pratt warned.

“Ok we had better let him in, but we have to be careful how we explain what we are about to do. If he thinks it will not work, or hurt her he will not let us near her!” Doc went to the door and unlocked it, slowly opening it. I could see Will now. He had showered, and had on a black T-shirt, and jeans. His hair was still damp. He scanned the room and stopped his eyes locked on me and the new IV lines and heart monitor.

“What is this, what’s going on here?” He snapped coming quickly to my side. He stroked my hair gently as he eyed the heart monitor suspiciously.

Chapter 32

Dangerous procedure

“William, she is not dead. I spoke with my friend Xavier and he told me what we have to do to get Corrine out of all this. I know you are upset, and I understand but you have to hear us out on this ok?” Pratt asked cautiously.

“She’s alive.” Will gasped in shock. He bent over wrapped his arms around me hugging me. “How can you be sure? How does this Xavier know all this?”

“He has spent his life studying failed changes and causes of death in vampires. I know him and I trust him fully to advise us on Corrine’s condition Will.”

“Has she spoken or moved?”

“No, and she will not if we don’t treat her heart right away. I know exactly what must be done, but you may not like it Will.”

“Well what is it?” He looked up at Pratt, who seemed uneasy telling him about plunging a long needle into the only thing that kept me alive, my heart.

“It’s not too complicated, but there are risks. I know it is going to sound barbaric to you, but hear me out.”

“What then, just tell me?” Will was getting impatient now.

“I was just telling Doc that Corrine’s heart is basically dormant right now. It is still beating but barely, just enough to keep her alive. It needs to have a jump-start if you will something to get it going. I will need to inject serum directly into the heart muscle to do that.” Silence filled the room. I waited for Will to lose it, to protest such a dangerous thing.

“No, you can’t do that, it is insane. I am no doctor, but I know she is still over half human, and could easily bleed to death .You are not experimenting on her I will not allow it!”

“Will, you do not understand Pratt. If we do not try this Corrine will die in a few hours. The serum left in her system will wear off, and her body will shut down. If we give her this injection, yes there is a possibility it may fail, but if it does not she will live and recover and be with you!” Doc placed both hands on Will’s shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes. “Are you going to take that chance, are you going to deny her that William?”

“Will it hurt her, will she feel that?” I felt him squeeze my hand.

“No not at first. If it does work when she begins to wake up, she will have intense pain, but she will be alive and it

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