Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,147

sound of the heart monitor picking up weak intermittent beats. It had been a flat line at first, which scared me to death.

“Dr.Pratt?” Sayann seemed disturbed at the very odd readings it gave out.

“It’s ok; she will be getting regular readings very shortly. Her body is in a form of hibernation of sorts, as she comes out of it she will have a steady heart rate.”

“Oh ok than. It’s just very strange.” She said softly, adjusting the IV lines to my arm. “I do hope we can save her, she was so kind to me even when she was so sick and weak. I was amazed at how she cared about my story and me at that time being the enemy basically.”

“That’s Corrine’s nature, we have all come to love and care about her here. William I fear will not let himself live if we fail to save her. I just have a very bad feeling he will lose what’s left of his mind I don’t think he can go on without her.” Doc said sadly.

“He will not.” Pratt's voice cut in, his tone was very matter of fact.

“What’s that Pratt?”

“I have seen it; you know my ability to see into the future. It comes and goes, but as we were in the woods earlier, I saw it clear as day. I looked into Williams eyes as he knelt there in the rain and mud un aware of any of us there, he could only see Corrine, and that to him she had died in his arms. If we save her we will in turn save him.” He took a deep breath.

“Tell us what you saw then.”

“William will die only hours after she does and he will take his own life. I cannot give you details, but I do know Lydia will be the one to find him. I saw her crying at his grave site, which is all I can tell you.”

“No, we can’t let that happen. He is everything to her. Pratt do what you must but keep her alive damn it.”

“I fully intend to Doc, do not worry.” I heard Pratt unwrap a needle, and I wondered what he was going to do with it. I soon found out.

“The next thing we must do is give her and injection of serum.” Pratt announced.

“Very well, here’s the vial from my office.” Doc picked up my limp arm and wiped it with an alcohol pad to prepare me for the shot.

“No Doc, we have to do it in another place, not her arm.” I really did not like how he said that at all. I heard Libby take a sharp breath, obviously guessing where I needed the shot.

“I am not following you here Pratt; where else would we do it then?” Doc asked.

“It has to be injected directly into the heart muscle; it is the only way to bring it out of its dormancy. If we do it any other way she will never wake, she will not die, but she will never be as she was. I believe the term they use today is a vegetable.” I wanted to choke. A veggie, just what Sara had thought I was last year, but now it really was possible?

“Uh forgive me for questioning you Dr.Pratt but that sounds really dangerous, considering Corrine is still half human. Is it not possible she might bleed to death, or go into cardiac arrest?” Sayann asked timidly.

“Yes, it is a possibility, and a risk. There is no other way to do it though; Xavier was very clear on that when we spoke. The heart needs to be jolted back up to speed, or she will remain comatose indefinitely.” I knew it now, it was either they stuck a needle into my heart or I have to stay like this forever. I had no say, seeing as I could not talk or even move. I had to trust Doc and Pratt would not screw this up and really kill me.

“I don’t like it Pratt, it sounds experimental, did this Xavier ever attempt this with any of his patients before?” Doc sounded very uneasy now.

“Yes he has preformed it two times, and one was successful, the other was not, I will not lie to you about that. I do not see as we have a choice though, especially with her human illness still trying to kill her. The serum only has hours left, and she will die. If we try this it is very likely it

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