Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,142

terrified right now. I wanted someone to tell me it was going to be ok too.

“Corrine love, we will help you, listen to me you must be strong now. I know it is very difficult but try to do that.” It was Emma’s voice, the others were busy trying to think how to fix me and forgot I might actually be able to hear and need a comforting voice. Emma had been like me, she was a half blood. She knew it was highly possible I was not dead, but in some kind of deep shock.

“Good Emma, I had forgot she could possibly still hear us. If you see and movement let me know.” Pratt smiled at her, as she held onto my hand.

I needed her, just to have her talk to me felt better. I had never known fear like this in my life. Todd didn’t even scare me like this, being dead to the world and still alive inside was much more terrifying to me than he ever was.

“Let’s go then.” Doc announced, his voice sounded very strained. “Will is shutting down over there, he’s in shock and with his system weakened as well, and I don’t know what will happen to him. This whole situation is a nightmare, one hellish night mare and it’s all directly linked to Leo, and that band of vampires he calls the Dark coven.” Anger filled his voice.

“I should have known he would do something like this! Leo is nothing but evil.” Doc looked sadly from me to Will. “I have failed them. They were innocent in all this, and they are the ones paying the price only because they loved one another, it makes me ill.”

“We should have kept her at the coven house; she was never safe at her home. I thought that many times, but never said anything. I blame myself as well, Doc.” Pratt said looking down at me.

“I should have seen this coming, but like you once told me your brother has a special gift, of blocking other vamps out of his thoughts. He knew I was here, helping you with Corrine and William. He made sure I never saw into his mind, to spoil his plans for revenge.”

“Yes, I’m sure he did. He was always gifted at spotting the vamps that had mind reading abilities, he always told me in the early days of my vampirism that his kinds were hard to defeat in any kind of battle. I hated him for that, and I dislike hating anyone, but he is pure evil.”

“We will have to be on guard. Leo will come after the rest of the coven, to get to you. It’s not safe for any Followers right now.” Pratt looked at Will and Lydia in the clearing of pine trees.

“We need to leave; I do not want to run into Leo right now, although he will not likely come out in this weather himself. He sends his minions to do his dirty work, he is a master of torture, and he likes to have his victims brought to him.”

“Good to know!” Roth grumbled.

“He delights in torture, believe me you do not want any part of it!” Doc’s voice was dead serious. I cringed at the thought of what Sayann told me, how Leo was considering me for a partner or mate as they called it, can you say “sick”!

I felt myself lifted off the wet cold ground, as they decided to get back to the safety of the coven house as soon as possible. I could barely see now, but I could tell Roth was carrying me. Pratt put his coat over me and removed Will’s rain soaked one, trying to keep me warm. Roth was not as warm as Will had been. I could hear Doc talking to Lydia as they finally got Will to come with them to the hummer. Doc was promising him, that Pratt had a plan for me in place and they would get me better. I could only hope he was right.

“Is he going to be ok?” Lydia asked as she got in the third row of seats behind me. “I have never seen him act like this.” I could tell she was close to tears.

“He’s in shock, he will come out of it slowly, Lydia. Pratt and I will watch over him, he will be fine in time.” Doc said in a low but calm voice.

The engine of the hummer roared to life, Will sat next to

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