Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,141

down next to Will.

“Adrenaline.” Pratt said in a monotone voice as he was pulling out his stethoscope.


“He was fueled by anger and adrenaline, unlike us; he still has that being a half blood. It gave him the strength to fight. He was trying to protect Corrine.” Pratt explained.

“Oh… like when mothers lift cars up by themselves to save their kid or something?” Roth asked.

“Yes, something like that.” Pratt ignored them as he focused on me now.

“Is she ok?” I could hear Emma’s soft voice ask. I felt her gentle hand on my arm. She rubbed it in a motherly way, trying to comfort me. The silence that came from Pratt made my stomach turn. It was a few minutes before he answered her. He put his hand over his mouth and sighed loudly.

“This is bad Emma, very bad. You must not say anything around William, but if what I am seeing here is correct.” He paused looking at William. “It looks like Corrine has died.”

I wanted to scream to cry to beat the crap out of somebody! I was not dead. I was here right here, and nobody knew it. I tried to blink, but my eyelids would not move an inch. Pratt yelled to Doc to come over immediately, Roth and Taylor took over seeing to Will. Doc knelt in the mud next to Pratt on the other side of me now.

“I can’t find a pulse here at all; I have looked and tried but nothing!” He said in a hushed tone, so Will would not hear him.

“You must know of something dear, is she in shock maybe?” Emma asked in a whisper.

“My God this is all we need, Will has lost his mind over there, and he won’t even look at me. Christ have mercy this will be the end of him Pratt, we have to try to get her back!”

“I know… I just don’t know what happened. It’s almost like she got some venom, in her or….” I felt him pull my heavy ice coated hair off my neck. They all three gasped in shock, at the bite mark Todd left on my neck.

“What in the hell is this!” Pratt yelled. “Roth, did you see this, who did it?”

“That jack ass Todd did, he got Corrine before I could do anything, Will was trying to protect her. I had no idea he was a vampire at all!” He came over to look at me like the rest of them.

“This is the worst thing that could have happened; she was too weak for any venom, much too weak. Her system was already shutting down; from the days she missed the serum injections.” Pratt shook his head sadly. “I cannot honestly say what this will do to her; it doesn’t look good at all to me though.”

“I can’t believe Todd is a vampire now!” Doc was shocked. “Leo had to have something to do with this; it has his name written all over it!”

“We need to get her and Will back to the coven house, as soon as possible. We need to do some tests, on Corrine.” Pratt said as he got up.

They all were soaked from the rain, but the cold did not bother them, the way it was bothering Will, Emma, and I. I knew he had to freezing, as he knelt in the mud. Lydia from what I could see was still next to him talking softly in his ear. I wished more than anything I could just get up and go to him. It was killing me to have to watch him suffer because he thought I was dead, and I really wasn’t.

“There has to be something you guys can do?” Roth knelt next to me and took my hand. “I don’t think we should give up on her so easily. She is Will’s life; he won’t get through this… I don’t think.

“I will try all I can to help her Roth, but she was so weak this venom may have been the last straw. I have a fellow coven member who has been my research partner for decades, Xavier Benton. I will call him as soon as I get a cell signal and ask him for help.”

I strained to hear what Lydia was telling Will, as she held on tightly to his arm. I could hear her telling him Doc and Pratt would cure me, and I would live. I knew she was lying, but I too wanted to believe her words. I was

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