Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,96

to lay his head on a pillow at night in his own home. Life didn’t care for his wants or needs, however, so he kept going. The Sea Wolf took a small measure of comfort in knowing that all of their troubles would soon be over. One way or the other his task ended tomorrow.

They arrived in the Wolfsreik camp without much fanfare. Pickets allowed them access after brief questioning. Aurec and Rolnir were awaiting them. Bahr marveled at the rigid structure of the camp. Tents were erected in orderly rows. Their dull, grey peaks extended further than he could see. The majority of soldiers were asleep, bedded down for what promised to be their final night of rest. Bahr got the sense that they were beyond weary, just as ready to see this through as he was.

Cook fires carried the aroma of roasting meat across the camp. Bahr began to salivate. He hadn’t had fresh meat in a long time. Men stood in line for a late meal or huddled around the fire pits spread throughout the camp, exchanging stories or thoughts of what they might do once the war finally ended. It was a bond unlike any other in the world. Soldiers were a much tighter knit group than civilians gave them credit for. They laughed, cried, and bled together. Bahr reluctantly felt the attraction of being part of something so large. His own tiny group had fused together in ways his crew on the Dragon’s Bane never had. His gaze swept over the rows of countless tents and his mind began to wander.

Having abandoned his claims on Delranan long ago, Bahr seldom spent time around the Wolfsreik. Their size and pride was beyond measure. His brother had been a fool to squander such a resource. Few bothered looking at him as his tiny group passed into the center of camp. Most were interested in Krek for they’d never seen a Minotaur. Elves and Dwarves were rare, but many had at least glimpsed one in the course of their service.

How many knew he was the king’s brother? Probably less than he imagined. Knowing that didn’t prevent Bahr from feeling eyes glaring at him. Their hatred of Badron must surely translate to him. His family had ground Delranan into the ground, breaking the kingdom to the point where it was almost beyond recovery. There was no atonement for such a crime.

The command group lacked the size he had imagined given the comparisons with the rest of the army. Rolnir and Aurec decided on smaller tents that were practically indiscernible from the others. If not for the double ring of armed and armored guards Bahr might easily have passed right by. He knew a little about the Wolfsreik general and virtually nothing of the boy king. This initial impression sparked a good feeling in him.

Rolnir was burly with red hair streaked through with silver. His hands were large and calloused from a lifetime of wielding a sword. His eyes were sharp yet tired. Red lines cracked the white. His wolfskin cloak draped over his shoulders gave him a wild and dangerous look. Lines began to accumulate around his face and hands. There was no give in his stance. He knew he was the master of this battlefield. Only in his thirties, Rolnir had been through more than a man twice his age.

Aurec, in comparison, represented youth. The boy was slender, almost untamed. An unconscionable weight was cast upon his thin shoulders. Bahr could only guess how traumatic it had been to have a crown placed upon his head at such a young age. He too had taken that test around the same age, only Bahr turned and fled. Though youthful, Aurec exuded weariness. He’d lost the most out of any of them and bore it in his eyes.

“Lord Bahr, welcome,” Rolnir started off, offering his hand.

Bahr accepted the offer. “Please, just Bahr. I’m not lord.”

Rolnir’s lips twisted slightly before falling back into place. His secret hope that Bahr had returned to lay claim to the throne and lead Delranan evaporated. “Even so, you are brother to the late king. Allow me to introduce King Aurec of Rogscroft, Cuul Ol of the Pell Darga, and General Vajna.”

Casting a glance to see if Faeldrin was going to step forward and take charge, Bahr said, “This is Lord Faeldrin of the Aeldruin, King Thord of Drimmen Delf, Ingrid of the rebellion, Anienam Keiss the wizard, and King Krek.”

“Well met,” Rolnir replied. “This is

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