Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,95

lost, or perhaps dead.

“His army is large enough to give the Goblins concern and they have the advantage of cavalry,” the Elf continued. “If we could coordinate simultaneous attacks, you and your group should be able to sneak into the ruins without much issue.”

“There are too many ‘shoulds’ and ‘coulds’ in that statement, Faeldrin. I need something more concrete before risking our lives for nothing. Not to mention that if Groge falls, so to do our chances of success. He is the only one capable of wielding the Hamr.”

“I didn’t say it would be easy,” Faeldrin smiled.

Bahr nodded understanding. “Anienam, just how long do we have left before the Dae’shan attempt to open the portal?”

Anienam made a public show of going through a series of calculations before saying, “The midnight hour. Just over a day from now the Dae’shan will attempt to bring their masters into our world.”

“Faeldrin, is that enough time to get some of us over to Aurec and formulate a strong plan?” Bahr asked.

“I can have you there in a little over an hour provided our enemy hasn’t expanded their lines. What do you have in mind?”

Bahr scratched a small cut on his cheek. “We need a diversion. The Wolfsreik and their allies are big enough to provide that for us. Once we get the Goblins to commit to shifting their main focus on the east, Thord can use his cannons and muskets to shred what remains of their lines on our front. Caught between two armies, the Goblins will have no idea which threat is the actual push. I take my group in under cover from the Dwarves….”

“And Minotaurs!” Krek snorted.

Bahr paused, trying not to grin. “Yes, and the Minotaurs, and cut through the ruins to find the Dae’shan. Wizard, will you be able to guide us to where we need to go?”

The question, while valid, irritated Anienam. “Of course I can, fool. Eyes are a weakness. My senses have grown tenfold since we arrived. Get me into the ruins and I’ll guide you the rest of the way.”

“Fair enough,” Bahr said.

“What about us?” Ingrid asked. “Where do you want us?”

“Ingrid…no,” Orlek pleaded.

The sadness in her eyes was felt by all except Krek. “I’m sorry, Orlek, but this is our fight. These Goblins are in the middle of Delranan. Whether we fight or flee doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t believe it ever did. We’ve been given the opportunity to free our people once and for all. Bahr, where do you need my rebels?”

“It would be an honor to have them fight alongside the Dwarves of Drimmen Delf,” Thord told her.

Satisfied, and startled, with the answer, Ingrid graciously accepted. “It would be an honor, King Thord.”

“Nonsense, Woman. We Dwarves recognize strength when we see it. The honor is ours,” he replied.

“It’s settled. How soon would you like to leave, Sea Wolf?” Faeldrin asked.

Bahr answered, “Immediately. The sooner we get a solid plan in place the better. I don’t like the idea of giving our Goblin friends additional time to prepare. If we know the hour is at hand they surely must as well. The Dae’shan are crafty beyond measure and will have numerous surprises in store for us.”

Nothol finished the last of his ale as the command meeting dissolved. Bahr and the Elf walked away, followed closely by Ingrid, Thord, and Krek. They were a powerful group, capable of altering the course of the future. Nothol felt fortunate to have been born in such a time. Legends were born from moments like this.

Of course no one in his old drinking haunts would ever believe him. Nothol Coll was too much of an ordinary person to be involved in such matters. The world went on with or without him. He scoffed at their assumed ignorance. Nothol made a living off of being underestimated. He only hoped to take advantage of that fact in the coming fight. He thought about heading back to Dorl but his friend had already retired to his tent with Rekka in what promised to be their final night. Nothol reluctantly admitted he was jealous of Dorl but didn’t relish the prospect of being separated before being able to marry. The sell sword decided to go and find a refill. He didn’t plan on getting drunk but the need to dull his senses suddenly seemed like a very good idea.


The Plan

The ride was mercifully quick. Bahr was tired of being in the saddle. Tired of roaming across the world and tired of not being able

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