Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,144

are making you Regent of Delranan. I can think of no better person to lead this kingdom out of the dark hole it is now in. But there is more.”

Ingrid struggled to maintain her composure. “Go on. I’m listening.”

“Delranan will no longer be an independent kingdom, nor will Rogscroft. Maleela and I are combining our two kingdoms into one. Together it is our hope that we will maintain peace and order throughout northern Malweir for many long days to come. Rolnir has already been appointed General of the Army and plans are being fleshed out for permanent bases across the kingdoms. Never again will evil be allowed to thrive in the north. Are you comfortable with this decision?”

She pursed her lips. Ingrid was a natural leader, but a regent in what amounted to a small empire? She didn’t know if she could handle that or not. Of course, with Orlek at her side, she felt as if she was ready to take on the world. “Yes sire, I believe I am. Thank you for this opportunity.”

“No, it is we who owe you the thanks. Without your guidance all that was good in Delranan might already have been lost,” Maleela told her.

The two embraced as sisters, leaving a smug Orlek grinning like a child.

* * * * *

Groge tilted his head back, enjoying the brisk spring breeze. The snows had melted and life was returning to Delranan. His hand was still wrapped in heavy bandages, though he doubted it needed the care. Burned to the bone, Groge accepted the wound and pain for services rendered. The Blud Hamr had flared with burning magic as it struck the Olagath Stone. Both Stone and Hamr exploded, their purpose in this world accomplished. Groge had been burned in the process but it was a small price.

The surviving Giants unanimously elected him their new leader. It was an unexpected role he wasn’t prepared to accept but they wouldn’t allow him to back away. He was a proven warrior now and it was his right to rule. The savior of the free world deserved no less.

“Feels strange, doesn’t it?”

Groge looked down with a fond smile as Ironfoot strode up to him. The Dwarf brandished a fresh set of rank epaulettes denoting his promotion. “It makes me wonder what the world is coming to. I never wanted to be a leader, just a forge master.”

“Huh, I guess I never wanted to be a general. There’s no way King Thord will let me scamper off on any quests or missions again,” the stalwart Dwarf replied with a hint of disdain.

“I shall miss you, my friend,” Groge told him. “It has been an honor to fight alongside you. Dwarves and Giants once shared their knowledge of the forge. I believe the time has come to do so once again.”

“What do you mean?” Ironfoot asked. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

Groge broke into a grin. His massive teeth, crooked and stained, reflected sunlight. “Thord has agreed to exchange smiths in order to regain what was lost. You are going to escort the Dwarves of Drimmen Delf to Venheim and remain until he calls you home.”

Ironfoot opened and closed his mouth before barking a deep laugh. “It looks as if I’ll have myself another adventure after all!”

Together, Dwarf and Giant returned to their camp. They had much to plan before leaving.

* * * * *

Thord was the last Dwarf to leave the battlefield. He watched, assisting when the mood struck, as the dead and wounded were removed to either be taken to the massive funeral pyres constructed on the edge of the camp site, or to the overflowing surgeon’s tents. Great sorrow settled upon him, for he had lost much.

The army of Drimmen Delf accounted themselves as only Dwarves could. They reaped a terrible harvest of Goblin lives but at great cost. Close to half of the army was dead or wounded. It would take generations for the community to recover.

“What is to become of us?”

He turned to look up into Faeldrin’s eyes. “Doesn’t matter now, does it?”

“Of course it does. This war has changed everything. The world we knew is already fading. Tomorrow presents a brand new challenge for all peoples to accept. I do not enjoy the thought of returning to Elvenara with this news. The old ways are dead.”

“Some old ways should have died long ago,” Thord replied.

“Indeed. I shall have my Aeldruin attend the funeral services of your Dwarves. It was an honor to fight alongside you…friend.”


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