Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,143

freed we won’t see the dawn.”

They waited in silence for a time, apprehensive towards the dawn. Aurec’s eyes stayed focused on the ruins. All friendly forces had been pulled back to form a perimeter once it was established what remained of the enemy was gone. Aurec wasn’t willing to risk any further casualties without need. Sending Mahn and Raste in to find Bahr went against his better judgment but he needed to know.

Aurec spied movement amidst the rubble. It took a few moments before he was able to make out his scouts. Instant relief washed through him but was quickly replaced by excitement. Several others follow Mahn and Raste, the largest towering over them all. He tapped Rolnir’s forearm and gestured. Without a word between them the duo headed towards the perimeter to greet the incoming.

Excitement instantly turned into panic the moment Aurec saw Groge carrying Maleela’s limp body. He rushed to them with cold dread in his heart. The others continued to limp his way, oblivious to his silent concern. They were exhausted and near broken. All bore haunting stares that saw past what was before them. They struggled to accept what they’d just been through and, for some, it was a reckoning that would take years to accomplish.

Mahn cleared his throat. “Sire, it’s finished. The enemy has been defeated. Delranan is safe again.”

“Maleela? Is she….” He let the thought trail off, suddenly afraid of asking.

Bahr stepped forward, limping heavily on his right side. “She lives. I had to knock her out to keep her from getting hurt. She’ll be fine soon enough.”

Aurec was speechless. So many questions bothered him. What had happened beneath the ground? Where were the others? Was this war truly finished? As if sensing his confusion, Rolnir stepped in to shake Bahr’s hand.

“You look terrible,” the general offered. “I trust you did what needed to be done?”

He scanned the group, noting how a few of them were missing from the ranks.

Bahr nodded. “It is. The dark gods are gone. The Dae’shan dead. We lost a few friends along the way but the deed is finished. We can finally move on with our lives.”

Even as he said it Bahr knew it was easier said than done. Personally he’d never be the same again. He was irrevocably changed. Bahr turned his gaze to the breaking dawn and said no more.

Rolnir sympathized with him. He’d lost thousands of soldiers in the past day, over a fifth of the Wolfsreik. While the army could be rebuilt, the sheer amount of quality veteran lost was irreplaceable. His kingdom was another matter. Kingless, Delranan would struggle for generations. No matter which way he looked at the problem, Rolnir found no easily obtainable solution. His life would be dedicated to rebuilding all that was lost.

“Where do we go from here?” he asked to no one in particular.

Only the wind replied.

Maleela awoke slowly. She winced as the pain in her head instantly assaulted her. Her eyes took awhile to focus and when they did she found Aurec staring longingly back at her. Her first instinct was to recoil, thinking he’d come to do her harm. Vague memories of her deeds in the service of the dark mocked who she was. The Dae’shan influence dissolved the instant Amar Kit’han was destroyed, freeing her mind and soul.

“Aurec…I….” She fell into tears, ashamed of what she’d done.

He swept in to take her sobbing figure in his strong arms and pulled her close. Aurec whispered into her hair, “It’s all right. You’re back with me now and I swear I will never allow harm to befall you again. I love you, Maleela.”

She gripped him tightly, as if afraid to let go. “I love you too.”

* * * * *

Ingrid clutched Orlek’s hand. The fighter had recovered from his wounds well enough to hobble about. He insisted on limping to an audience with King Aurec. She suspected he was withholding information but couldn’t pry it out of him. The smug look he bore was proof enough as they entered Aurec’s pavilion.

Aurec let them stand for a moment before speaking. He still claimed to not be ready to wear the crown but was growing accustomed to the idea of being in charge. “Ingrid, out of respect for your actions and your losses I think it only fitting that you are bestowed a proper gift. One worthy of a regent.”

“Sire, I don’t need any…excuse me?” she said, changing direction mid-sentence.

Both he and Maleela smiled warmly. “You heard me right. We

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