Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,125

their slaughter of Dwarves to attack Blekling and his Giants. One hundred against eleven. The outcome was anything but certain.

Blekling led the charge. His blood ran hot. His heart pounded like the mighty forge hammers. His vision darkened. Nothing else existed except this battle. This moment. Picking up speed, he crashed into the nearest Gnaal. Limbs flailed as both bodies tumbled to the ground. Blekling gagged as an incredibly powerful tail curled around his neck and squeezed. Claws dug into his iron-like flesh. Intense pain washed over the Giant leader. He’d never been in a real fight before and it was threatening to be his death. Eyes burning, his vision swam.

Blekling reached deep into his heart and snatched hold of his inner strength. The Giant drove his right elbow into the Gnaal’s exposed ribcage. It wasn’t particularly strong, but enough to force the Gnaal to release its grip. Blekling slid from beneath the monster, continuing to slam elbows into exposed ribs. Enraged, the Gnaal whipped its tail about. Each blow broke the ground, kicking mud, snow, and dirt up.

Heavy, running, footsteps announced a trio of Giants rushing to help their leader. Axe and hammer struck the Gnaal repeatedly. Blood, so dark it appeared black, ruptured through broken flesh. Puss and ichor leaked from the monster as it was slowly, oh so slowly, beaten to death. Blekling managed to roll free, drawing his dagger in the process and plunging it deep into the Gnaal’s heart. Exhausted and woefully underprepared, Blekling took the brief moment allotted to scan the battlefield.

While he might have killed a Gnaal, others were less fortunate. Several Giants lay dead or dying. The sight horrified him. A series of emotions erupted at once: hate, sorrow, despair, anger. Blekling snatched his weapons from the ground and led his host back into the fight. Eight of the dark Mage demons remained.

Inspired by the sudden appearance of Giants, Dwarves and Men launched back into the fight. Their weapons did little against the nightmarish hides of the Gnaals and more often than not they simply got in the way. Blekling didn’t mind. The evil unleashed upon the world should have been eradicated centuries ago. That it had been allowed to endure was an affront to every sentient race on Malweir. Blekling intended on removing the stain for all time.

He watched, helpless, as Tobin’s head rolled away from his already toppling corpse. Yarg grunted as a razor-sharp tail burst through his chest. His large hands desperately tried to keep his blood and organs from spilling out but it was of no use. He was dead before he struck the ground. A group of Giants systematically tore a Gnaal apart. Body parts littered the area at their feet. Blekling winced at the horrid screams coming from the dying creature. Madness had descended upon the world and he was but a small participant.

“Come brothers, let us end this brutality,” he told those nearest him.

Each was panting and clearly struggling with committing acts of violence. He saw it in their eyes. Doubt lingered in the corners. They were hesitant to take that first step.

“This is not right. We should not be aiding in this slaughter.”

Blekling fumed. His people were dying and these few suffered from lack of faith. “We did not begin this war but it ours to help finish. I did not wish to leave Venheim but the Dae’shan was correct. This war must end, here and now. We must do our part if life is to continue. Now, cast aside your doubt and fear. Follow me!”

Faith restored, at least somewhat, the Giants lunged forward to put an end to the remaining Gnaals. The Giant leader was immensely grateful for their cooperation. He asked them to do what he himself didn’t feel right doing. Giants had once been mighty warriors, but those days ended and with good reason. Watching a Giant kill was a terrible sight to behold.

The battle had shifted away from him, forcing Blekling to run faster in order to reach his brothers. The Giant elder struggled for breath. Intense pain racked his sides. He knew some ribs were broken. The Gnaal nearly did him in and he knew it. Blekling decided to remain in the safety of numbers.

His first sign of trouble was the massive shadow suddenly drowning out the sun. Blekling looked up sharply in time to watch the largest Gnaal imaginable plant both feet on his shoulders and drive him into the ground. Bones snapped. Organs burst. Blekling withheld his

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