Even Gods Must Fall - Christian Warren Freed Page 0,124

time for personal reflection, to decide if what they had volunteered to do was worth the cost of their soul. Belief in the old gods was gone, replaced by a lone deity who was both benevolent and demanding.

In the end there wasn’t much of a choice. Whether the gods of light and dark were still around, lingering in the shadows just out of reach, didn’t matter. All that mattered was the current war threatened to destroy the way of life of every single race on Malweir.

Blekling hefted his sword off of his right shoulder. “It is as the Dae’shan said. This is a most grievous affair.”

“Perhaps we should turn back? Return to Venheim and forget all of this.”

The Giant elder shook his head slowly. Long, black locks of hair dragged across his shoulders. “No. We gave our word. Groge is down there, lost in all of this. He is our only hope of stopping the dark gods. Should he fall…well, at least there are more of us to pick up the Blud Hamr and stop this war. We continue to march. It is time for the Giants to return to war.”

“Which front do we attack? South or east?”

Blekling studied the battlefield from atop the small rise the Giants had halted on. Tens of thousands of Men and Goblins battled desperately on the right but they seemed almost evenly matched. His attention was drawn to the south, where Minotaur and Dwarf battled Goblin and…he froze as recognition dawned on him. He refused to believe what his eyes showed. Gnaals. Here, in Delranan. Until now he’d believed they were extinct, all killed during the Mage Wars when the dark Mages finally fell. Seeing so many at work now inspired dread.

“We go to the Dwarves,” he said, his throat dry. They need us the most. Once again our kind will engage those vile Gnaals. How many will die this time?

Artiss Gran materialized at his side, gossamer robes simmering refracted rainbows from the sunlight. Face eternally obstructed behind the shadows of his cowl, the Dae’shan took in the scene being played out below and felt regret. Regret for not acting sooner. Regret for not standing up to his wayward brothers when they broke their pact with the gods. Regret for allowing the world to get to this point. He had much to make up for and, in his eyes, there could be but one possible outcome.

Blekling bowed curtly out of reverence. “Dae’shan. We have arrived, and it appears in the nick of time.”

“That remains to be seen. Our allies are beleaguered. The Giants have not gone to war in a very long time. Are you sure you are prepared for this?” Artiss asked. He knew that by abandoning their principles the Giants would be fundamentally changed. There was latent danger in that. Vague memories of how terrible the Giants had become during the Mage Wars disturbed him. Unfortunately a great deal needed to change if hope and freedom were to survive the day.

Blekling, sensing the Dae’shan’s doubt, grimaced. Fresh sounds of battle assaulted his ears. “This is not a matter of being prepared. Life is in the balance here. Great evil is at work down below. We have come to the aid of the free peoples of Malweir in the past when always the need was greatest. That pact continues to stand. Let no one say we do not honor our agreements. The Giants will go to war. Now.”

Inwardly pleased, Artiss Gran nodded his consent. Perhaps there was hope for tomorrow after all. However pleased he might be, Artiss knew that the only way to defeat his brothers was through direct confrontation. The time of reckoning was at last upon him. Here, on this final day as the sun began to set, Artiss Gran was forced to find the destination to his long journey. It all ended tonight.

Blekling led his one hundred Giants down the slope and into the back of the Dwarf camp. Human and Dwarf stopped what they were doing and gaped as the force marched purposefully to the front lines without pause or comment. A cheer arose through the mire of desperation. Swords beat against shields. The army found new hope. Fresh life pumped into them as the Giants headed directly towards the Gnaal threat. What threatened to become a rout turned into defense. Hopefully, defense would lead to offense and the scouring of Delranan.

The Gnaals snapped to as they sensed their ancient enemies. Mindless with berserker rage, the Gnaals abandoned

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