Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,8

and tonic.

Glass in hand, I continue investigating my room; there are bedside cabinets with ornate lamps on each side of the bed, a large wooden carved vanity table against the far wall and then my private bathroom. In one corner there is a powerful shower, big enough to fit a whole family in, the floor and walls all a matching sand coloured stone, with twin, deep bowl sinks opposite the shower. Back out to the room and I spot a humungous balcony, equipped with Jacuzzi AND a hammock and judging by tonight, it catches the glorious evening sunshine. It’s perfect, more than perfect, it’s heavenly.

Unpacking can wait until tomorrow, for now I want a shower and some food. Unsurprisingly there is a comprehensive room service menu next to the phone, this is the first time in weeks I’ve actually felt hungry, so I’m really going to take advantage; picking up the phone I am greeted with an impeccably polite receptionist who takes my order without batting an eye at the size of it.

I’ve ordered fresh fruit, croissants, burritos, a sandwich, a Greek salad, a nondescript fish dish and a selection of deserts.

Expecting to have at least an hour to arrive I had planned on jumping in the shower, but according to the receptionist it will arrive within 20minutes, so washing will have to wait.

Exactly on time there is a knock at the door and I am met by a dutiful bell boy with my trolley of food. He simply advises me to leave the trolley outside my front door once I am finished then gracefully bows out of the room.

Flicking on the TV I find it contains around 200 channels, mostly American, scrolling mindlessly through I settle on an unfamiliar animated kids film, ideal light entertainment. Stuffing my face, the food is divine; I go for taking single bites out of each dish in succession then returning to my favourites for seconds so I get the most out of my delectable feast before I feel full. I manage to polish off the fish and the salad, most of the burritos, half the sandwich, a croissant and most of the fruit. The deserts (yes deserts plural, my Dad would be so proud that I’m getting his moneys worth) I place on the side for later, then deposit the trolley outside as instructed and trot back in, my belly bloated and satisfyingly stuffed full.

Jumping in the shower its jets are so powerful it’s almost painful, but the hot water does wonders for my tired skin. I haven’t unpacked my toiletries yet so instead I use the gels they provide, the first one I pick smells of strawberries and vanilla, the scent quickly filling the room as I begin to wash.

Gently massaging it over my body, its silky texture luxurious under my fingers as I run them over my shoulders, down my arms, across my swollen abdomen and slowly up over my breasts, “mmmmmm” an appreciative moan escapes my lips, the smell and sensation making me tingle. Leaning forward and pushing my head under the streaming water, I let my hands roam down my lower back and over my buttocks, spreading this intoxicating foam as they go.

I only meant to be in there for 10minutes, but by the time I emerge from the bathroom, tussled in a soft floor length robe provided by the hotel, it’s 40minutes later, sleep nagging at my heavy eyes, my limbs so relaxed they can barely support me upright. Collapsing on the bed I manage one bite of cake from my desert selection before I’m comatose.

I wake at 7am the next day, after easily eleven hours sleep, refreshed and ready for my first full day in Mexico. Stepping out onto the balcony the sun is already up and the heat is rising. I’m not going to bother with a shower this morning after my epic one last night, instead I slap on some sun cream and a quick spritz of bug spray, then throw on a bikini and a light blue chiffon sun dress with a pair of pink sandals; pausing in front of the mirror I briefly pull my fingers through my hair, after sleeping on it wet and twisted up in a towel it is anything but manageable.

But this holiday is about relaxing, so I don’t have to care, instead choosing to fumble in my bag for a hair band and then knotting it up mercilessly on top of my head, there shabby chic.

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