Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,7

a suspicious amount of them do not meet any of my criteria, but are very close to where they live!

There is one however that caught my eye; it’s a bit rural in location, with no immediate neighbours, but it has the biggest garden I’ve ever seen. It includes a quaint swing hanging from a large old oak at the back and a sprinkling of fruit and blossom trees which will look magical in the spring. The view past the garden is uninterrupted rolling hills, all of which can be seen from the double bay windows in the master bedroom, as well as from the bathtub in the en-suite.

Never in a million years did I think I could afford a place like this. I make an average enough living, but house prices these days are astronomical, this is undoubtedly me dream abode. The only down side is it means a 2hour commute to work. I could put in a request to transfer to the head office which would only be an hour away, but I’ve been with Mick since I started at the firm, straight out of university; I don’t know what I’d do without him now.

Either way it can all wait till after my holiday.

I used some of my commission to splash out on a new holiday wardrobe. I hadn’t noticed how long it’s been since I went abroad; Jake wasn’t a fan of lazing in the sun so never saw the point in “wasting money on the privilege”. Bit by bit it’s been dawning on my just how much of my life I have given up for him over the years; We could have traveled the world, had kids, moved to the countryside, anything, but instead we have wasted away 10years in the mundane daily routine of working, arguing, sleeping. Time relentlessly traveling forward while we stand still, never progressing.

But look at me now, surrounded by sparkling sarongs and leather sandals just itching to start on the adventure of my lifetime.

Two hours later I have packed and then re-packed my suitcase. Then written out an official list of items I need and then ceremoniously re-packed again; I am ready, I am sure of it, the butterflies are cruelly partying in my stomach, but I am ready,really, I am!

Slugging my oversized suitcase down the stairs I place it next to the front door and carefully balance my passport and tickets on top. I’ve got my carry-on bag packed and my travel clothes (these are relatively the same as my comfy house clothes just minus the dressing gown and slippers) laid out on the chair in my bedroom.

Just two more days at work and then I’ll be flying away to a far and exotic land!

I have arrived!

Caz, Phil, Mum and Dad all escorted me to the airport accompanied with teary goodbyes, you’d have been forgiven for thinking I was emigrating, rather than just holidaying. The flight was long and uneventful, economy class is not the most pleasant way to travel an 8hour flight, but thanks to the pills Caz slipped me, it went by in a mostly undisturbed daze.

Then a three hour coach ride to the resort, which I spent soaking in the views and marvelling at my accomplishment. I have done what I never imagined; come to a foreign land alone and more importantly, enjoyed the ride.

The resort is magnificent; a beautiful fountain out front proudly presents the main building. Huge marble pillars guard the entrance of gigantic sweeping glass doors. As soon as you step through them you are presented with a cool flannel to wipe the travel grime from your face and an icy cold glass of Champagne.

Check in is swift and before you know if you’re being whisked away to your suite. I had no idea where my suitcase was, only to discover that by some miracle, it had arrived in my suite before I did.

Its early evening by the time I’m settled in, the sun is still sweltering and what with the heat and the travel I suddenly feel exhausted. My room is stunning, a Queen size bed decorated with flowers and intricately folded towels in the shapes of animals, (an elephant and what appears to be a flamingo), a large flat screen TV mounted to the wall adjacent to the bed and a well stocked mini bar below it. The novelty of using the mini bar without the worry of extra charges is too much to resist and I help myself to a cheeky gin Copyright 2016 - 2024