Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,19

one side and tie it in a small knot, at least it hides just how askew it is; there is nothing I can do about the shorts however. Plus the only shoes I have are the holed, but comfy, old trainers I wore on the flight.

Pulling the hair band off my wrist I tug my hair back into a scruffy bun, then clip the straggling bits up out of the way. One last glance at the mirror, this will just have to do.

The gym is tiny, but has just about every machine you could need crammed into it. There are a few die-hard athletic types in there, pushing weights, with their sizeable muscles rippling under the strain. They pause only for a second as I walk by, each giving me their own questionable looks. Sorry boys, but I’ve got my eye on a bigger prize, I think to myself, smiling. It’s all about the mindset, so Caz keeps telling me; think confident, be confident!

Starting with the treadmill, I switch my ipod to a racy little dance mix and off we go.

Two hours later I emerge, sweating profusely, my hair now disobediently escaping the hair band in every direction, man I haven’t worked out that hard in years, if ever! Now it’s just back to my room for a quick shower then on to the Spa to get waxed to within an inch of my life. If only I had known yesterday that I would be going on this ‘date’ I wouldn’t have been so quick to poo-poo the waxing option on the Spa menu.

Turning the corner past the main foyer that leads to my building and I freeze. You have got to be kidding me, Carlos dead ahead, casually walking towards me next to what has to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen; She’s all olive skinned, with perfectly styled, shiny black hair, flowing down over her shoulders, wearing a tight pencil skirt and killer heels which highlight her curves in all the right ways, with legs I couldn’t get even if I worked out every day!

There’s nowhere to run and I definitely can’t turn around now, I’ve already been spotted, shit, shit! OK just keep your head down and maybe he won’t recognise you, who am I kidding? Earth if you could just open up and swallow me now I will be forever in your debt, please? I whisper a silent prayer. Nope? Great, thanks!

He is less than 3metres away, just keep walking, just keep walking, “ah!” I screech as I stumble over my uncoordinated feet, only just managing to stay upright. Oh come on now! That is just not fair. Catching his eye I can see he is amused by my misfortune, little Miss Perfect sports a smirking grin, waving her goodbye to him as he stops in front of me on the path, she throws him a wink if sharing a private joke on my account.

“Ms. Mavers” he nods at me, still smiling as he takes in every last inch of my embarrassing appearance, “been taking advantage of the gym facilities I see, I must ask did you enjoy your trip?” he questions with a chuckle.

All I can manage is a tight smile at his humorous remark as my cheeks turn an unmistakable shade of scarlet. “I err….yes...well…yeah” is as close to a sentence as I can muster.

“I look forward to our dinner tonight, Seven wasn’t it?” it’s as though the more of a mess I become, the more cool and collected he is.

“Yes, Seven” I reply, still not able to maintain eye contact. Out of nowhere I see his hand reach out and clasp my own clammy one, bringing it up to meet his lips he plants an air light kiss on my knuckles, as my eyes finally meet his, it’s as though his gaze is searching my very soul. His green eye’s burning with an intensity I’ve never felt before. My mouth drops open and I can’t even blink for fear of him vanishing into thin air if I do, if this is some kind of dream I don’t want it to end.

With that he lowers my hand makes a slight bow and walks away. I am left stuck to the spot watching him continue down the path as if nothing has happened. As he reaches the corner of the foyer building he turns flashing me his superstar smile briefly, before continuing.

I hadn’t even noticed I had been holding my breath this Copyright 2016 - 2024