Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,18

type. Even if I could get over the thought of the Adonis seeing me naked, then what?” I’m starting to sound pathetic and whiny I can hear it in my voice.

“No one is even saying you have to have sex with him, why not just go on the date and see how it goes? Maybe after a few Mojitos you’ll feel differently and if not then just make your excuses and go.” Caz cuts in, compromising.

“I guess” I say slowly coming round.

“Look I’ve got to go, it’s late and I need my beauty sleep, but promise to call me and let me know all the details though yeah?” I guess this is all the advice I’m going to get out of her tonight.

“Yeah, I promise”. We say our goodbyes and I’m left holding the embossed card going over possible scenarios in my head. Caz is right of course, I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to, it’s just dinner, I can have dinner no problem. Dinner with a stunning, toned, bronzed, unattainable man. How could that possibly end badly?

With shaking hands I take a deep breath and pick up the phone again, dialling for reception “Please connect me to Room 442”.

There is a pause before the receptionist speaks and I can hear the questioning in her voice as she courteously obliges and connects me through. After a couple of rings I suddenly chicken out, what am I doing? I can’t do this, it’s too soon, I’m not ready to date let alone anything else. I slam the receiver back down just as I hear him answer. Shit that was close, but I’m doing the right thing, yes it’s true, I am at best a 6 and he is a 10, no scratch that, he is a 20! But that doesn’t mean I have to go there. It would just be a waste of time anyway, there is no way he likes me, he was probably just drunk at the time, so thought I looked better than I do, yeah that was probably it, he won’t even recognise me if I bump into him again. Oh man, what if I bump into him again? This whole thing is just too awkward!

A sharp ring snaps me out of my thoughts, the phone, no it can’t be.

“Hello?” I try hard to sound carefree

“Hey, this is Carlos, I just had a call from your room, Mrs. Mavers right?” now that’s how you sound carefree.

“Umm…yes…sorry I…I err…thought you weren’t in” a grasp for a plausible explanation as to why I slammed the phone down on him.

“Oh, that’s OK, I was hoping you were calling about dinner” if he realises I changed my mind mid-call he is not letting on.

“Well, yes I was as it goes” regaining a little of my composure, “and itsMs Mavers….Kaitlin” why did I say that? Being married would have been the perfect get out clause if this dinner gets too steamy.

“I am sorry,Ms Mavers….Kaitlin, you have a beautiful name” the glee in his voice is palpable. “It is maybe a little late for tonight, plus I have some business to attend to, but are you free tomorrow? I could pick you up from your room at Seven?” His accent is addictive, but I can’t quite place it; his English is perfect, the pronunciation spot on, but there is a certain twang to it that suggests it may not be his first language.

“Seven, yes that should be fine, I guess I’ll see you then.” At this stage I am coming across a little too formal, stern even.

“Until then, buenos noches Senorita” I just melt on the spot, replacing the receiver I bring my knees up and hug them the school girl grin plastered across my face, he is sooo dreamy!

Chapter 3

Routing through my suitcase, I know I put them in here somewhere, throwing aside various clothes in search of my shorts and t-shirt. I had originally packed them to wear as pyjamas, but needs must; if I am having this dinner tonight, I’m going to have to go to the gym first. I know realistically even if I am in there all day it won’t make any immediate difference, but I’m hoping that the thought at least will boost my confidence a little.

Pulling on the faded cotton, polyester mix shorts and slightly stretched and out of shape t-shirt I eye myself in the mirror, no wonder I only wear these to bed. I pull the hem of the t-shirt to Copyright 2016 - 2024