Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,103

random fish, to show off when he gets home.

“OK, how about we go knock something up and we'll bring it here when it's ready?” I compromise.

“Sounds perfect” Carlos agrees, giving me an appreciative peck on the cheek, so much for blaming the boys for confining us to our gender roles, when I go and volunteer for it myself. Right woman into the kitchen you go then, you've bought it on yourself!

There is so much to choose from, the kitchen may be small, but it's deceptive in how much it holds, there's cupboards and drawers everywhere, each packed in the most economical manner, allowing for a whole host of ingredients.

We decide it's too hot to cook, plus we are too lazy to bother, instead opting for a cold platter or various cheeses, meats, olives, hummus and bread and throw together a Greek style salad for good measure.

By the time we've got it all out I'm shocked at how much there is, six different types of cheese, cooked chicken, ham and beef we found in plastic tubs in the fridge as well as four different cured meats, three different types of olives, who thinks to stock three different types of olive? Surely an olives an olive?

And on top of all that there are three different types of bread, apparently one for each jar of olives and four flavours of hummus. I don't know what they normally do on this boat, but I think I can say with some certainty that they are not hungry while they do it.

With full bellies we return to our separate sides of the boat; its the purr of an engine that alerts us that we are not alone in the vast ocean. Blair and I look towards the shore where the noise is coming from. We both see the speed boat racing towards us, but I am first to recognise its occupants, “Oh great, what now?”

“That's Marcus isn't it? But who's that with him?” Blair asks.

“That would be Julia”

“Well maybe their coming to apologise?” Blair optimistically suggests, but as their faces scowling faces become clearer I strongly doubt it.

They pull up alongside and we all begrudgingly go to meet them. Julia surfaces first, Carlos, ever the gentleman, moves to help her on board, “So what do we owe this pleasure?” he speaks as Marcus joins us.

“We've come to put a stop to this” Julia states in her usual bitchy manner.

“Oh for pity’s sake” I mumble under my breath, earning me her best death stare.

“How many times do we have to have this conversation?” Carlos demands.

“As many times as it takes for you to see whats going on!” Marcus is back to his evil personality, so much for the truce.

“Can't you see Carlos?” Julia turns to him, softening her tone slightly, “now you're taking her and her friends out on the boat?” she motions towards Blair and John, I can see Blair struggling to keep her mouth shut.

“It was my idea!” Carlos shouts frustrated.

“Oh Carlos, don't be so stupid, they are clearly manipulating you!” Julia shouts above the wind, now whipping up into a frenzy, mirroring her destructive mood.

“Yeah that money grabbing whore...” Marcus starts, he doesn't manage to finish his sentence due to the punch Carlos lands squarely on his jaw, sending him to the floor.

“That's enough!” Carlos fumes, leaving everyone but Julia dumbfounded; I see it in slow motion as she lunges for him, her talons bared. Instinct takes over and I reach out, grabbing her arm and turning her back towards me, her face is twisted in rage, catching sight of it makes me instantly regret getting involved, I'm sure Carlos could have fended her off much more successfully than I can.

She shoves me hard in the chest, sending me reeling backwards, knocking into Blair as I go. The force knocks us both off our feet, but Blair takes it to her right shoulder, sending her spiralling into the rails and over the side to the sea. It's about a six foot drop so there's a pause before we all hear the splash, but John had leaped to her aid before she even hit the water. She is a strong swimmer so it was somewhat unnecessary to go in after her, but I love his heroism all the same.

Likewise Carlos is at my side, pulling me to my feet while simultaneously scanning me for injury, “I'm OK” I assure him, clinging onto his arm for support all the same.

By now Marcus has stood back up Copyright 2016 - 2024