Eternity - By Hollie Williams Page 0,102

who needs a bath when they're on a boat? To top it off there's a compact, but fully functional kitchen, it even has a fridge, stocked with various perishable delights; they can't just keep it like this at all times, on the off chance someone ventures out in the boat one day, so I figure Carlos must have arranged it. I don't know if I'm walking around with my head in the clouds, or if Carlos is extremely cunning, because his ability to organise complex things without my noticing is astonishing. So far it has only been good things, but if he were ever to put his skills to work on something bad, I would certainly be none the wiser.

Anyway, I shouldn't think like that, my judgment is being marred by his siblings evil side, one look at his playful smile and any concerns about him turning into them vanishes into thin air.

We set sail, so to speak, heading out into the vast ocean. Carlos and John instantly take their place manning the wheel, they are both a bit neanderthal when it comes to gender roles, men do the work and meek women just sit around and make themselves pretty; but the last thing me and Blair want to do is sit in the shaded cabin and nervously steer a boat worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, when we could just be sunbathing, so as it works out, every-ones happy.

We slow to a stop some 40 minutes later, while Blair and I have gossiped in more detail about the events that have happened since my return, the boys have both had a turn steering and are about ready to turn their attention to fishing.

The anchor is dropped, letting the boat gently sway along in a mystical dance with the waves.

By all accounts fishing will prove to be a relatively fruitless endeavour, so Blair and I opt out in favour of further sunning time. We promise that if we ever tire of it, learning to fish will be at the top of our list!

We spend a beautiful morning on the boat, I feel like an heiress, the kind you see on T.V, adorning boats like these, sprawled out like we are now, except in tiny bikinis that leave nothing to the imagination. In fairness Blair is a lot closer to the mark than I am; with her stick thin figure and miniature sequinned bikini, that I'm guessing cost a small fortune and would disintegrate at the mere mention of getting sea water on it.

I however, am in a new, but somewhat less flashy ensemble, a green bikini with pink flowers, it's print is cute, but it's undeniably made more for comfort and support than showing off all I've got.

We must look like a right pair, beauty and her frumpy older sister! I bet they would have to do a double take when they saw which man went with which woman. John is lovely, don't get me wrong, he is kind hearted, caring and generous to a fault, but he is also a bit plain. He's quite short, having only a couple of inches on me, he's not fat, but he certainly isn't toned, let alone muscly; his hair is short and dark and he uses a bit too much gel to spike it up; as for his face, it's much like the rest of him, not bad, but nothing to write home about. I wonder if Blair is maybe more self conscious than she lets on, or did she really fall for him on account of him being such a nice guy?

Either way I see myself a lot more in him than I do in Carlos, however much I'm enjoying it, I can't help but feel I'm batting way above my average with my Adonis.

It's gone two before our stomachs start to rumble and we go in search of the boys to suggest some lunch. We find them at the back of the boat, lines still in the water, but with no sign of having caught anything.

“We've actually caught a fair amount, but we put them back after we've taken a photo” John explains.

“What's the point then?” Blair voices the question I was thinking.

“It's for fun, but we've got plenty of food so there's no point in killing them, it's all about the chase.” Carlos answers her.

“Speaking of food, we're famished” I add.

“Can we just have five more minutes?” John begs, clearly desperate to add to his collection of photos of Copyright 2016 - 2024