The Enemy - Kelsey Clayton Page 0,95

Grayson. Knox and Delaney flew in just to see Savannah and Lennon perform, making them probably two of the most supportive friends I know.

On Knox’s lap is Delaney, and on the other side of him is Asher and Colby. To my left, however, are two kids I've only just met—Carter and Jace. Apparently Grayson and Savannah know them from school, but it's clear there's some tension between Knox and Carter. When they got here, he hugged Delaney hello, and it looked like Knox was ready to light him on fire.

It reaches the end of the recital and I sit up, knowing I finally get to see Lennon. She, Brady, and Savannah are the last dance of the evening, being as they're the oldest and most talented. I've always loved seeing Lennon dance, ever since I spied on her in her basement studio when I first moved into her house. The way she moves and uses her body to tell a story—it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

“Dance Again” by Selena Gomez starts to play, and Lennon steps out stage right while Savannah comes out on the left. They both look gorgeous in pale pink costumes, with their blonde hair tied back. Their moves are slow at first, precise, but as the beat drops, they break into a spin with multiple rotations. The crowd starts to cheer as they stay perfectly in sync with each other.

The chorus hits, and they're all over the stage. They fly through the air like gravity doesn't exist. Savannah is talented, but my eyes stay glued to Lennon. At the end of the chorus, Brady comes out with all of them flipping at the same time. How they managed to time this so perfectly is beyond me.

Delaney and Tessa dance on their boyfriends' laps, screaming and cheering louder than anyone in here. It's like they're having the time of their lives just supporting their best friends. It makes me happy to see someone care about Lennon as much as I do. Even Colby looks proud as he watches her.

The song slows down for a moment and in turn, so do their movements. It's full of light spins and kicks that show how insanely flexible they are. They both leap toward Brady. He holds them both in the air with one arm under each. As the beat drops again, he puts them down and they both go into a front aerial.

Everyone in the audience watches in awe, and when the dance ends, a standing ovation is more than well deserved. I practically go deaf from Delaney and Tessa's screams, but my gaze is locked on Lennon. As she blows me a kiss, Grayson drapes an arm over my shoulder.

"We are two very lucky guys."

I chuckle. "That we are, man. That we are."

I HOLD MY GIRL closely in my arms while everyone surrounds her and Savannah to congratulate them on a job well done. When everyone leaves, all that's left are the people who were sitting in our row. Carter and Jace come up and give Savannah a hug, while Lennon narrows her eyes on Carter.

"Your cousin is a piece of shit," she tells him.

He huffs and starts to laugh. "I could have told you that."

I look to Grayson. "Who's his cousin?"


I snort, only for Lennon to turn around and eye me up.

"Watch it," she sasses. "You're not much better."

I chuckle happily and pull her impossibly closer, kissing her just because I can.

After finding out the truth about her dad, Lennon decided she didn't want anything to do with either of her parents. For one, her mom chose money over her own daughter. And two, her dad spent her entire life lying about it. If she ever chooses to talk to either of them again, I'll support her, but I don't think that will happen for a very long time.

My mom, on the other hand, only reaches out when Molly won't stop begging her for the next time she can see me. Thankfully, she isn't spiteful and doesn't try to keep us apart. This weekend, Lennon and I are taking her to the beach so I can finally teach her how to surf.

As for the future, it's slightly up in the air. I have a meeting with Billabong next week, and if they sign me, I could be spending most of the year traveling all over the world to hundreds of incredible surfing locations. Hawaii. Australia. Maldives.

One thing I know for sure, though, is Lennon will always Copyright 2016 - 2024