Echoes Between Us - McGarry, Katie Page 0,63

and could possibly kill you and you never get down.”

Because that’s what I am to Leo—fun. Sometimes being fun all the time is exhausting.

“Then the girls who aren’t all drama want to be serious after a few dates. Saying stuff like if I really like them, then I shouldn’t be talking to other girls. I wish more people were like you—I wish they lived in the moment instead of always worrying about the future.”

The blood drains from my face. Dates. With an s. Multiple. Girls. Leo’s dating other girls. Not that he shouldn’t, but before he left he said maybe we could try, even if that maybe was for next year. I briefly close my eyes to hide the wince at how stupid I was to think maybe meant anything.

“You and Sawyer looked like you were having fun when you pulled up,” he says.

My face contorts as I have no idea how he could change the subject so fast. “What?”

“When you and Sawyer pulled up in front of the house. You looked like you were having fun and then you guys looked … serious.” His voice dips with the word “serious.” Like it was a curse.

My spine goes rigid. How is that his concern? Especially for a boy who is dating girls—with the emphasis on the s. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that looked a lot deeper and more intense than a senior thesis partner.”

“What’s your problem with him?” My tone comes out fast and sharp.

“I’ve told you my problem with him. He’s the type of guy who will be nice to your face and then talk crap about you behind your back.”

“Maybe, but that’s my choice.”

His eyes narrow on me like he’s mad. “And your choice is wrong.”

“I never asked your opinion.”

“Maybe you should.”

Is this how he wants to play this out? “Then that would require you to talk to me. Last text you sent was over a month ago.”

“I could have gone to a party with friends tonight and I didn’t. I came home to see you, and when I do, you’re not even home.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry I’m not sitting at home waiting on you to show.”

“You’re changing.”

I blink. Multiple times. “I’m changing?”

“Last year, you would have never hung out with someone like Sutherland and now you’re all about him. Throwing yourself at him across the seat.”

“Excuse me?” Somehow, in that split second, something does change. I don’t know what it is exactly that changes, but it happens. It’s a subtle shift, but it’s one that feels a lot like that morbid feeling when you realize you forgot something important.

Me. I forgot me, but it’s okay because now I’m remembering. “What does that mean?”

“I’m sorry I brought it up.” But he doesn’t sound sorry. He sounds like someone who opened up Pandora’s box and then got irritated that Pandora didn’t smile and nod like a good little girl when he didn’t like the contents of the box.

“You did bring it up, so I guess you’re out of luck. I’m pretty sure that this is how our conversation has been going—you’re mad that last year I had three friends to hang out with at school and this year I have no one and that I took on an English thesis partner who, for some messed-up reason, you don’t like. What do you want me to do, Leo? Fail English? Be a hermit? Wait for you on the porch? And as for throwing myself at him, I hugged him. I didn’t have sex with him in the front seat. And as if it’s your business who I hug or screw because last I checked, I don’t have a boyfriend. And even if I did, I would never answer to him or to anyone!”

“But you don’t have to be hanging out with Sutherland.” His voice drips pure venom.

“What difference does it make if it’s him and why do you think you have a say? You left and dropped off the face of the earth except to pop back in at random to criticize my choice of project partner for the year!”

“So you chose him to get back at me for being busy?”

“I chose him because he lives downstairs from me and he has a car. I’m going to ask again, what is your problem with him?”

“Why do you keep defending him?” he shouts.

“Because I like him!” I yell so loudly that my voice echoes across the open field.

“Exactly,” he shouts. “And that’s why you’re changing!”

We’re staring at each other, Copyright 2016 - 2024