Dropping The Ball - A New Year’s Billionaire Romance - Weston Parker Page 0,48

It’s just been a really long time and—”

It dawned on me what she was saying, and something that sounded suspiciously like a growl rumbled in my chest. “You told me to stop because you were close?”

“Yes?” Her voice was small, an adorable, sexy flush spreading across the tops of her cheeks.

Groaning as I let my head drop forward, my forehead landing against the base of her throat, I tightened my grip on her legs. “You scared the crap out of me. I thought you meant stop, stop. Just tell me next time, okay? It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Are you kidding me?” Her brows swept up, a giggle coming out of her as she hid her face in my hair. “We literally just started making out, and I’m already…”

I lifted my head to look into her eyes. “It’s not just you. Trust me.”

Her pink tongue darted out to wet her swollen lips. My gaze was riveted to it before I took her mouth for another kiss, speaking against her in between. “Let’s get up to your bedroom and then you don’t stop me again. Agreed?”

“I can get onboard with that plan.” She wiggled on my lap, and I scooted to the edge of the couch before standing up with her still in my arms.

She squealed, her hands gripping the back of my shirt as she hooked her ankles around my hips. “Are you crazy? You can’t carry me all the way there.”

“Watch me.” Navigating the stairs was a challenge, but there was no way I was letting her go. Not even for a minute.

When I walked us into her bedroom, I realized I’d never been in here before. The massive four-poster bed against the wall was the only thing I could focus on, though.

I set her down on her feet when we reached it, kneeling in front of her to take off her shoes. Her breath hitched, but she watched me closely instead of taking over. I undid the short zippers at her ankles, trailing the backs of my fingers over her skin.

She stepped out of the shoes when I was done, kicking them away and peering down at me. “Plan on taking your time like that with everything?”

I nodded, swallowing heavily. “Yep.”

Although I was burning to see her naked, I wanted to savor every moment. I’d waited long e-fucking-nough for this. Another minute wouldn’t kill me. I never broke skin contact with her, peeling off her clothes slowly while touching her in every way I could.

Her breathing was shallow by the time she was bare in front of me, her dusky pink nipples hard and inviting. I sucked one into my mouth, relishing the moan that followed. I committed the reaction to memory, planning on cataloging every part of her that made her make that noise.

That was exactly what I did for the rest of the night. She felt like liquid velvet on my fingers, squirming underneath me before screaming my name. Even though she nearly crushed my skull when she came on my tongue, it was an experience I’d remember forever.

When I finally sank into her, I was more than ready. Rylee looked into my eyes when I positioned myself, her hands in mine on the pillow beside her head. I groaned, feeling her heat everywhere.

“God, Carter,” she breathed, her hips meeting mine on every thrust. “You feel so good.”

“I think you stole my line.” I held her hands tighter, moving faster inside her until she squeezed me so tight that I had no choice. I let go when she did, whispering her name just before claiming her mouth for another soul-destroying kiss.

Rylee fell asleep in my arms in her bed. I held on to her tightly, fighting the natural urge to close my eyes and drift off myself. Once the sun rose, I didn’t know if I’d ever have her naked body against mine again and I didn’t want to miss a single second of it.

Tonight was probably going to be all I got, and it ripped me apart to know it as well as I did. Sex had never made me emotional, but that was because it’d never meant anything. It was a means to an end, providing a physical release if I needed it.

Any woman who had gotten into bed with me had known the score. I wasn’t interested in a relationship, and not just because my job didn’t make it easy to have one. The few relationships I’d attempted had always felt like there

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